
In 9 BBY, a Jawa by the name of Teeka lived on the desert planet of Tatooine. She belonged to a Jawa tribe. Her activities included finding a T-16 skyhopper toy and then giving it to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was a Jedi Master. In return, Teeka received seventy-five credits from Kenobi. Teeka also attempted to sell Kenobi his own stolen moisture vaporator processor board. Kenobi bought it back, remarking that she should clean stolen parts and refused to buy a Jedi belt she had acquired from a starship.


Always hustling

During the Galactic Empire's reign, Teeka operated as a Jawa merchant on the desert world of Tatooine alongside her tribe. She served clients looking for technological scraps and other discarded items. One such client was the hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, who asked her to locate a T-16 skyhopper toy as a gift for the young Luke Skywalker. In 9 BBY, Teeka and her tribe came across a Jedi starfighter in the wastelands. Nari, a fugitive Jedi, had used it to reach Tatooine while evading the Inquisitorius. The Jawas dismantled the starfighter, recovering a Jedi utility belt among other parts.

Teeka also removed the processor board from the moisture vaporator situated above the cave where Kenobi resided in the Dune Sea, bordering the Jundland Wastes. Later, she visited Kenobi at his cave, using a scrap cart to transport the requested toy, as well as parts from the starfighter and the vaporator. Arriving late, the Jawa found Kenobi eating and greeted him by complaining about his odor.

When Kenobi inquired about the toy, Teeka questioned his ability to pay, demanding one hundred credits and claiming the toy was rare due to its discontinued production. Kenobi negotiated the price down to seventy-five credits for the damaged toy, after which they heard the vaporator malfunctioning above them.

Jedi = profit

Teeka inquired if the device was functional, and when Kenobi mentioned the missing parts, she offered him the processor board. Kenobi revealed his knowledge of Teeka's theft and insisted she clean the parts before attempting to sell them back to him. Teeka did not deny the theft but instead indicated that cleaning would incur an additional charge.

As Kenobi retrieved his credits after taking the toy and board, the Jawa tried to sell him the belt from the starfighter. She shared the story of the fugitive Jedi and expressed her hope for more Jedi, as they were beneficial for business. Kenobi—secretly a Jedi in hiding—told her that further Jedi appearances were unlikely, as they were nearly extinct. He returned the belt, paid the grumbling Teeka, and said goodbye, after which the Jawa departed.

Personality and traits

Teeka was a clever and ambitious entrepreneur, always seeking to increase the price of her goods through skillful negotiation. Despite her small stature, she had a strong personality and possessed a certain charm, even if she wasn't always truthful. She particularly enjoyed salvaging items from podracing events.

During her interactions with Kenobi, she began and ended by criticizing his scent, claiming she could smell him from Anchorhead. She was willing to steal from him and resell his own possessions, not denying her actions when confronted and even refusing to clean the items before returning them. Teeka communicated in Jawaese and had orange eyes.

Skills and abilities

Teeka was a talented mechanic, capable of effectively handling almost any machine or vehicle. She had a widespread reputation as an astute businesswoman, capable of selling items at significant markups, which brought considerable profits to her tribe.


Teeka wore brown robes, brown gloves, brown foot wrappings, and a bandolier. She also carried a Jawa ionization blaster. Her inventory consisted of technological scraps and other discarded items, which she transported on a floating scrap cart. During her visit to Kenobi, she carried the T-16 skyhopper toy in a satchel, Kenobi's processor board, and Nari's Jedi utility belt, among other components.

Behind the scenes

alt="Leilani Shiu as Teeka" src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/79/Teeka_OWK.png" width="300" height="300"> Leilani Shiu played Teeka in "Part I" of the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, which premiered on May 26, 2022.

