Groff Ditcher

Groff Ditcher, a coarse human, held the position of foreman at Tibidon Station, a sand whaling operation on his homeworld of Tatooine. During 9 BBY, he physically assaulted his worker, Padu Cherd, and threatened to withhold all payment when Cherd protested receiving only half his due wages. Obi-Wan Kenobi, another worker, glared at Ditcher silently, which the foreman met with derision. Later, in Anchorhead, Ditcher cut in line for water, only to have the water forcefully removed from his grasp by Reva Sevander, a former Inquisitor.


Overbearing Supervisor

Groff Ditcher was foreman of Tibidon Station.

Groff Ditcher, a rough human, functioned as the foreman at Tibidon Station. This station was dedicated to sand whaling, specifically to extract meat from the remains of a massive tibidon sand whale located in the deserts of Tatooine, Ditcher's homeworld. Following a work period in 9 BBY, Ditcher stood next to a GNK-series power droid that had a payment dispenser attached to its head. The laborers used their punch discs to receive their credits for the day.

After collecting his payment, Padu Cherd, a laborer, voiced his discontent that he was only paid half of what he was owed. He begged Ditcher for the remaining amount. Ditcher responded by shoving Cherd away and threatening to withhold all payment if he continued to speak. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the last laborer in line, then gave Ditcher a disapproving look as he approached. When the foreman inquired if Kenobi had anything to say, the laborer silently accepted his payment and proceeded to board the transport heading back to the town of Anchorhead. Ditcher scoffed and began conversing with other workers at the site in an alien language.

Run-in with an Inquisitor

Reva Sevander knocks the water cup from Ditcher's hand.

Later in that year, Ditcher found himself in Anchorhead, where he rudely cut in line to obtain water from Dardin Shull, a cart vendor operating a portable vaporator. Ditcher pushed aside an elderly man who was at the front of the line and grabbed a filled cup from Shull, who frowned at his behavior.

The foreman questioned if Shull wanted to say something, but Reva Sevander, the former Inquisitor standing behind him, responded instead. Ditcher told her to wait her turn, but she used the Force to fling the water from his hand. She glared at him, causing him to silently retreat. She then inquired about the whereabouts of Owen Lars, a moisture farmer, to Shull.

Personality and traits

Ditcher was a bully who tried to intimidate anyone who opposed him.

Groff Ditcher was a cruel and bullying individual, with the belief that he was superior to everyone around him. He quickly resorted to violence to control his employees, shoving and threatening Padu Cherd when the laborer pleaded for his family's sake. He also attempted to intimidate Kenobi, Shull, and Reva, although he retreated after witnessing the latter's use of the Force. Ditcher had fair skin, brown hair, and green eyes.


Ditcher wore a light brown shirt, a brown belt over a black apron, brown pants, brown gloves, and brown boots. He carried a knife in a sheath on his belt for butchering purposes. When he encountered Sevander in Anchorhead, he also had on a gray coat.

Behind the scenes

Heath McGough played Groff Ditcher in the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. He first appeared in the first episode, which was broadcast on May 27, 2022. The Tibidon Station scenes were the initial scenes filmed for the series, utilizing "the Volume" technology. The scenes McGough filmed for the sixth episode were captured on location in a desert. Ditcher's name is not spoken in either episode but is listed in the credits.

