Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter

The Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter, often shortened to just Tri-wing, represented a specific model of starship. Initially produced by Incom Corporation, it was later reclassified as a New Republic Light Assault Starship. Its period of activity included the Imperial Era, with a sighting reported by Princess Leia Organa on Alderaan around 9 BBY. The Tri-wing also remained in use during the subsequent New Republic Era.


The cockpit and droid socket of a Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter

Referred to simply as the Tri-wing, the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter was a starship type originating from Incom Corporation's manufacturing lines. Key features included a pair of engines, a dedicated slot for an R2 series astromech droid, a minimum of two forward-facing laser cannons, and a cockpit capable of accommodating a pilot along with two additional passengers. The hull displayed a metallic silver finish. Later, it gained recognition as a New Republic Light Assault Starship.


A Tri-Wing departs from Aldera in 9 BBY.

The Tri-Wing S-91 Pegasus Starfighter's service began in the Imperial Era, around 9 BBY. One such tri-wing was observed in the capital city of Aldera on the [planet](/article/planet] Alderaan, a member of the Core Worlds. Princess Leia Organa, while engaged in starship spotting, witnessed this tri-wing's departure from the city while in a forested area. She discussed with her droid, L0-LA59, the possibility of an Aquillian Ranger piloting it for scouting purposes against the Merson pirates. After Lola expressed doubt, Leia considered the alternative of it being a trader's vessel. The Tri-wing continued its operational life into the New Republic Era, being utilized by both the New Republic and the Resistance, with at least one participating in the Battle of Exegol.

Behind the scenes


Concept art of the spacecraft.

The Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter came about through a collaborative effort. The car manufacturer Porsche joined forces with Lucasfilm to specifically design this starship. This partnership was part of the marketing and promotional activities for Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. A video released by Porsche unveiled the design, indicating its intended appearance in future Star Wars projects.

The collaboration was branded as The Designer Alliance, comprising seven individuals from both Porsche and Lucasfilm. The team's leadership included Doug Chiang, Lucasfilm's Vice President Executive Creative Director, and Michael Mauer, Porsche's Vice President Style. Team members from Lucasfilm included Amy Beth Christenson and Ryan Church, while Porsche was represented by Salar Vakili, Doeke de Walle, Emiel Burki, Fabian Schmoelz, Tobias Benedini, and Sophie Tillema. Their initial meeting occurred at Porsche's headquarters in Weissach, Germany. Subsequent meetings took place at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart and at Skywalker Ranch in San Francisco, California. The design phase of the project spanned six weeks.

Design and production

Four concepts of the Tri-Wing Pegasus.

Following the initial meeting at Porsche Headquarters and a tour of the Porsche Museum, Doug Chiang provided the team with the design brief. The starting point involved determining how to effectively combine elements from an X-wing starfighter, a BTL Y-wing starfighter, and a U-wing, while also incorporating aspects of the Porsche Taycan, with the ultimate goal of creating a completely new class of vehicle. The project's overarching aim was to integrate Porsche's design ethos with the simplistic design principles of George Lucas, which broadly represented the design tenets of the Star Wars saga. Several key design specifications were established for the new starship, including in-universe details. It was designated as a New Republic Light Assault Starship manufactured by Incom Corporation, required a minimum of two and a maximum of four engines, a crew size ranging from two to five, a large cargo door for additional passengers, and two entry doors into the vehicle. Doug Chiang emphasized the importance of imbuing the starship with personality, aiming for a "good guy ship" design. Consequently, a dark color scheme, similar to that of Darth Vader's vehicles, was ruled out.

Process underway

The design process commenced with a blue sky iteration, with Doug and Michael tasked with defining the direction after the initial two weeks. Subsequently, the team planned to collaborate over a week and a half to collectively determine the design direction. The schedule then allocated two and a half weeks after the previous checkpoint for creating a hero design and 3D modeling.

Given the emphasis on creating a "sports car spaceship," the design needed to incorporate streamlined shapes and a prominent engine to convey power. The engine design process began with considering engine arrangement, initially placing them at the wingtips. However, the design team recognized that positioning the engines closer to the cockpit enhanced the vehicle's sports orientation and automotive aesthetic.

Four weeks before the deadline, the team utilized video conferencing and other technologies to coordinate and finalize a proportional design package for the vehicle. Following Doug Chiang's suggestion that the wings could be configured in various ways to emphasize power, the concept artists explored different designs extensively. Ryan Church incorporated Porsche's four fender shapes into the wings, while another artist designed the wings to move separately and independently, mimicking a bird's wings. Another concept designer drew inspiration from insects, arranging the wings in different positions and angles, and designing them to be rotational.

Eventually, the Porsche team members traveled to Lucasfilm headquarters to finalize the starship's design, dedicating two days to delve deeper into its styling and details. With the various designs printed out, the team physically cut and pasted design features to create new designs. Initial cockpit designs were wider but were later replaced with a more compact space, positioning the pilot in the center with two co-pilots behind. This configuration resulted in a narrow cabin, reminiscent of a jet fighter plane or Formula 1 car. The pilot seating arrangement was intended to be Porsche-inspired, reflecting a "sporty" vehicle feel. Two weeks before the deadline, the final design language, characterized by smaller and wider proportions, was established. The collage of cut-and-pasted designs was then entrusted to Rene Garcia, a Concept Modeling Supervisor at Lucasfilm, to render the final digital model of the starship.

On December 13, 2019, the starship was unveiled, with its design inspirations cited as the Porsche models 911, Taycan, and 918 Spyder.

