Daakman Barrek

Daakman Barrek, a male Human from the planet of Mrlsst, existed in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. His Force-sensitive nature was identified by his mother early in his life, leading to her decision to entrust him to the care of the Jedi Order. Rising swiftly through the ranks, Barrek became a respected Master within the Order, having successfully trained his initial Padawan. He then took on a second apprentice, Sha'a Gi. In 22 BBY, while operating in the Outer Rim with Sha'a Gi, they learned that war had erupted on Geonosis between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and further, that Barrek's first apprentice had perished in the conflict.

Distraught by this revelation, Barrek accepted the role of Jedi General within the Republic's clone army. A mere four months into the war, Barrek and Gi discovered information indicating the Separatists had established a battle droid manufacturing facility on Hypori. Consequently, they were assigned the mission of leading an elite strike force to obliterate this factory. However, their carefully laid plans went awry when the task force's transport vessels, upon exiting hyperspace above Hypori, collided with an orbital minefield, causing them to crash onto the planet's surface. The Separatist droid army then initiated an assault on the downed Republic ships, decimating the remaining clone forces under Barrek's command, thus leaving Daakman and the Jedi contingent of the task force stranded amidst the wreckage. Isolated behind enemy lines, Barrek attempted to establish communication with General Obi-Wan Kenobi on Muunilinst, only to be ambushed by the battle droids' commander, General Grievous. Despite the interruption, Barrek successfully conveyed the task force's predicament and requested extraction to Kenobi, but Grievous—a formidable cyborg proficient in lightsaber combat—defeated and killed the Jedi Master before any assistance could arrive.


Early life

Mrlsst, Daakman Barrek's homeworld

Daakman Barrek, a male Human, was born to highly intellectual professors at the academy on the planet known as Mrlsst. Barrek's mother, a distinguished geneticist, soon ascertained her son's elevated midi-chlorian levels through a blood analysis she personally conducted. Upon realizing Barrek possessed Force-sensitive abilities, she reached out to the High Council of the Jedi Order, with hopes that her offspring would achieve greatness in service to the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight. Consequently, Barrek was inducted into the Order and underwent training as a Jedi, rapidly demonstrating proficiency in the ways of the Force. In time, Barrek assumed responsibility for a Padawan learner, ultimately earning the esteemed title of Jedi Master in his mid-thirties, subsequent to his padawan's ascension to Jedi Knighthood.

The Jedi Master subsequently encountered Sha'a Gi, a young Force-sensitive Human originating from the planet Ord Biniir, and brought Gi back to Coruscant to become his new apprentice. Despite Gi's frequent displays of cowardice and insecurity when isolated, Barrek fostered his new Padawan's self-assurance when in proximity, resulting in a productive partnership.

While disrupting pirate operations in the Outer Rim Territories, Barrek and Gi were informed that Barrek's first padawan had been dispatched to Geonosis and had perished in the battle against the Separatist Alliance. Grieved by the loss of his former Padawan, Jedi Master Barrek fully dedicated himself to the war effort, willingly accepting the position of Jedi General in the new military.

Battle of Hypori

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi watch as Master Daakman Barrek duels with Grievous on Hypori.

Four months into the conflict, Barrek and Gi, while investigating pirate activity in the Outer Rim, came across intelligence regarding a clandestine battle droid droid factory situated on the industrial planet of Hypori. After notifying the Jedi Council, Barrek was placed in command of a task force composed of several elite Jedi—including Jedi Council members Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti—and clone trooper units, and given the order to destroy the droid factory on Hypori.

However, Barrek's mission rapidly deteriorated into a catastrophe upon the Republic task force's arrival at Hypori. Immediately after Barrek's forces emerged from hyperspace above Hypori, their Acclamator-class transports struck an orbital mine field, resulting in their ships crash-landing on the Separatist planet, far behind enemy lines. Although Barrek, Gi, and the other Jedi managed to survive the crash, the majority of the task force's clone troopers were killed during the landing, and the Confederate factory deployed thousands of battle droids to attack the Republic's landing site. Under the leadership of General Grievous—an advanced cyborg skilled in lightsaber combat—the Separatist droid forces eliminated the remaining clone troopers under Barrek's command, and trapped the Jedi within the wreckage of their ships.

Grievous engages the Jedis of Barrek's forces

Recognizing the Jedi were outmatched by Grievous and his battle droids, Barrek attempted to contact General Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was currently stationed on Muunilinst, via hologram. However, as Barrek reached Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, Grievous launched an assault on the Jedi Master and engaged Barrek in a lightsaber duel. Despite the interruption, Barrek managed to inform Kenobi of his task force's situation and request extraction while fending off Grievous's attack, but the cyborg proved to be too formidable for Master Barrek, ultimately defeating and killing the Jedi Master.

Grievous then proceeded to attack the remaining Jedi trapped in the wreckage. Following Barrek's death at the hands of Grievous, Gi's resolve crumbled due to the loss of his master, resulting in his easy defeat by Grievous, alongside another Jedi. Kenobi's evacuation squad successfully reached the surviving Jedi and evacuated them before Grievous could eliminate them all.

Personality and traits

Daakman Barrek demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, initially as a Jedi Master during times of peace, and subsequently at the onset of the Clone Wars, willingly accepting the rank of general in the Republic's newly formed military.

Master Barrek held a deep sense of care for both his current and former padawans. He was profoundly saddened upon learning of his first apprentice's death on Geonosis. Furthermore, Barrek bolstered the confidence of his second padawan, Sha'a Gi, who was known to be awkward and timid when alone. However, Barrek's presence served to enhance Gi's self-assurance, leading to a harmonious working relationship between the two.

Powers and abilities

As a powerful Force-sensitive individual, Daakman Barrek possessed sufficient expertise in the ways of the Force to attain the rank of Jedi Master by his mid-30s and had the ability to train an apprentice to Knighthood. Renowned as a skilled swordsman, Barrek was regarded as one of the most proficient duelists within the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, Barrek lacked the necessary prowess to overcome General Grievous in a lightsaber duel, and despite successfully parrying numerous attacks from Grievous, an exhausted Barrek was eventually defeated by the cyborg.

Behind the scenes

Daakman Barrek made his debut appearance in Chapter 20 of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series, which aired on April 8, 2004. In this episode, Barrek was solely referred to as Master Barrek, and his voice was provided by Daran Norris, who also voiced Barrek's fellow Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi and Tarr Seirr. Later, Barrek was granted an entry in the Star Wars Databank, which unveiled his full name and backstory. Master Barrek also featured in a mobile strategy game, Star Wars: Battle for the Republic, and was subsequently mentioned in the novel Labyrinth of Evil.

