The Muunilinst 10

The Muunilinst 10, an exceptional squad of Advanced Recon Commandos of the Alpha-Class variety, as well as standard clone troopers, was under the command of ARC Captain Alpha-77 Fordo. This unit consisted of four ARC Alpha Lieutenants alongside eight standard infantry clones. Their designation originates from their pivotal role in obliterating the Harnaidan defensive cannon situated on Muunilinst. This event occurred during one of the initial battles of the extensive conflict known as the Clone Wars. The same operation on Muunilinst saw them fighting alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi in order to take the Banking Clan's headquarters and overcome the Durge bounty hunter.

Not long after the Muunilinst conflict, Fordo took charge of a 20-strong team of ARC Alpha lieutenants. Their mission: to rescue the Jedi Generals still alive on Hypori. This mission involved a fierce fight with General Grievous. Despite their elite status, the Muunilinst 10 suffered losses. The clone trooper designated CT-43/002 was killed in an ambush during the Muunilinst mission, and Grievous killed four ARC Alpha lieutenants on Hypori.


Muunilinst Mission

Captain Fordo and the remaining members of the Muunilinst 10 awaiting General Kenobi.

The Muunilinst 10 were sent in to take out a Separatist artillery and to assist in capturing important InterGalactic Banking Clan figures. While en route to their designated zone aboard a customized LAAT/i gunship, a B1-Series battle droid armed with a rocket launcher shot down their aircraft, causing it to crash-land within the city limits. The crash resulted in the deaths of both pilots. Upon exiting the wreckage, they found themselves under heavy sniper fire. A clone, CT-43/002, was killed instantly in the initial barrage.

Fordo instructed a pair of his clones to create a diversion for the droid snipers, while another clone was tasked with identifying the snipers' positions. Once the locations of the droids were confirmed, an ARC trooper utilized a PLX-1 to destroy the ledges where the snipers were positioned.

The team advanced toward their objective, eventually facing an AAT. While one ARC Lieutenant stealthily approached the AAT from an elevated position, the remaining eight provided supporting fire. The ARC trooper boarded the AAT, fought his way inside, and placed explosives before jumping to safety and detonating them.

They eventually made it to the artillery cannon and, after eliminating many battle droids, destroyed the cannon using high-powered explosives before rappelling up the control tower.

Following the arrival of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, they forced their way into the command center, defeating the numerous droids guarding it and aiding in the defeat of the feared bounty hunter Durge before securing the room, despite some of them incurring injuries from Durge. This action was a crucial element in the Republic's successful capture of the planet.

Hypori Mission

The Muunilinst 10 deploy from their LAAT/i on Hypori.

The survivors were reinforced with heavy weapons specialists and additional troops before being dispatched to Hypori to extract the Jedi who had survived the Battle of Hypori, arriving surprisingly quickly. Upon arrival, Fordo instructed two of his men to investigate two of the three life signs he had detected. While one of his men investigated one of the life signs in the rubble and another in the rafters of the downed Acclamator assault ship, Fordo led the rest of his men to the one directly ahead of them. The life sign Fordo detected turned out to be Ki-Adi Mundi, who had just been disarmed by Grievous. General Grievous was about to deliver the final blow to Mundi when Fordo and his men opened fire on him. Grievous managed to avoid the gunfire by taking cover behind debris. The troopers utilized the power of the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, reciprocating quad blaster and under-barrel grenade launchers to destroy the durasteel cover. However, Grievous was able to continue to evade fire. Grievous attempted to climb to the roof but was forced down by a volley of grenades. He landed next to 4 ARC lieutenants whom he promptly cut down with his two lightsabers. Fordo called for immediate backup. The weaponry of their ARC gunship was able to drive Grievous off, enabling evacuation of the survivors. Fordo was awarded Jaig eyes for his actions on Hypori.

Coruscant Skirmish

They were present during the Battle of Coruscant, fighting alongside other clone troopers to protect sector 4. As the situation became overwhelming, Captain Fordo gave the order to retreat. However, Masters Yoda and Mace Windu arrived to assist, countermanding the order.


The Muunilinst 10 were considered among the most skilled soldiers, demonstrating exceptional combat effectiveness. Consequently, they were equipped with a wide array of weaponry, including standard-issue BlasTech Industries DC-15A blaster rifles, modified DC-17 hand blasters, WESTAR-M5 blaster rifles, thermal detonators, heat signature detectors, PLX-1 portable missile launchers, Z-6 rotary blaster cannons, droid poppers, and reciprocating quad blasters.


The Muunilinst 10 LAAT featured a custom paint job, including Rancor artwork on the nose. A jagged blue stripe ran along the top of the vehicle. The missile pod and wings were also adorned with blue, while the wings featured white triangles extending towards the top.

Behind the curtain

Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Muunilinst 10 set

While the Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic specifies that the Muunilinst 10 consisted of ten clones in total (including Fordo), the number depicted on screen varies significantly. Following Kenobi's briefing in Clone Wars Chapter 2, nine clones are visible. After the LAAT/i sustains a missile hit, the count increases to ten, and eleven clones disembark from the crashed gunship. The number then reverts to ten in a scene showing the clones planting explosives on an artillery cannon. When Obi-Wan Kenobi meets up with the Muunilinst 10, there are once again nine clones present. Finally, during the engagement with Durge, the number of clones exceeds ten, potentially indicating that the unit had rejoined the main invasion force to capture key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. The number of ARC Alpha Lieutenants also fluctuates between two, three, and four, depending on the scene. Furthermore, during the Battle of Hypori, nineteen clones are visible in several shots, with the number fluctuating as in previous chapters.

