The battle droid assassin represented a specialized version of the B1-series battle droid. These units were deployed by both the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. Their internal gyroscopic stabilization systems, combined with sophisticated target acquisition software, rendered them highly proficient snipers. This lethality was often demonstrated against clone troopers of the Galactic Republic. However, their production numbers were lower than standard B1 battle droids, due to the high cost of achieving organic-level accuracy in a droid platform.
During the Clone Wars, assassin battle droids saw action at the Battle of Geonosis, providing security for key assets awaiting deployment via transports. They were also present at the Battle of Muunilinst, engaging Advanced Recon Commandos. Furthermore, battle droid assassins participated in the Battle of Tirahnn, and were observed on numerous other battlefields throughout the Clone Wars. After the war's conclusion and the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Army, some battle droids were reactivated by the rogue Geonosian Gizor Dellso for use in his army, until their final defeat at the Battle of Mustafar.

Battle droid assassins were a specialized model of B-series battle droids manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop. Standing at a height of 1.91 meters, they were characterized by tan colored armor plating and black sensors integrated into their cranial units. These droids were armed with a Baktoid Armor E-5s sniper rifle, in addition to a standard blaster pistol, V-1 thermal detonators, and a Mark IV recon droid. Some variants also included an autoturret. While lacking distinctive unit markings, certain droids received camouflage paint schemes to enhance concealment from enemy forces. They were programmed with sophisticated targeting algorithms, enabling them to effectively utilize their E-5s rifles against enemy soldiers.
Battle droid assassins have made appearances across various Clone Wars-era media. Within the Star Wars: Battlefront video game franchise, they fulfill the role of the sniper class for the Confederacy of Independent Systems.