Gizor Dellso

Gizor Dellso was a male engineer from the Geonosian species. During the Clone Wars, he sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in their conflict against the Galactic Republic. Many years prior to the outbreak of the war itself, he participated in the design of a command signal intended to disable the Trade Federation's vast droid army. The purpose of this signal was to ensure that their droids could not be used against them by any other party. Ironically, at the war's conclusion, this very signal was deployed to deactivate the vanquished Separatist Droid Army.

Despite the Galactic Empire's victory over the Confederacy when the Clone Wars ended, Dellso chose to resist. He reactivated a clandestine droid factory located near an old Separatist mining operation on the planet of Mustafar. His aim was to construct his own private droid army with the intention of reigniting the war. However, the Empire dispatched the 501st Legion to Mustafar with orders to eliminate Dellso and suppress his uprising. This led to the Geonosian fugitive's demise and the destruction of the secret droid manufacturing plant.


A Dedicated Separatist

Gizor Dellso helped design the shut-down signal that was eventually used to deactivate the Separatist Droid Army.

Gizor Dellso, a Geonosian male, originated from the world of Geonosis. Employed by the Trade Federation, he functioned as one of the engineers responsible for creating a signal override mechanism. This mechanism was designed to shut down the Trade Federation's droid forces should enemies ever attempt to use the droids against their creators. Some years later, Dellso joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems along with his fellow Geonosians and engaged in the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. The conflict reached its conclusion when the Separatist Droid Army was deactivated using the very signal that Dellso had been instrumental in developing. This signal propagated throughout the Separatist fleet via the HoloNet.

Determined to continue the struggle against the Galactic Empire, the state that succeeded the Republic, Dellso, now a fugitive, took refuge within a former Separatist mining complex on the world Mustafar. This was the same stronghold where the Sith Lord Darth Vader had massacred the Separatist Council at the war's close. In possession of stolen data pertaining to an experimental Imperial fighter, Dellso required protection while formulating his next move and sought to prevent Mustafar from falling under direct Imperial control. He restarted a concealed droid production facility close to the mining site and began producing new battle droids for his personal army. Having a deep understanding of the droid deactivation device he had helped create, Dellso was able to override the shut-down signal. He also constructed prototypes for a new battle droid with the hope of reviving the Separatist military.

A Droid Rebellion That Failed

At some point between 17 BBY and 12 BBY, the Empire became aware of the threat posed by Dellso, and his location on Mustafar was discovered by Darth Vader. Seeking to quell the rebellion before it escalated into a full-scale war, Vader deployed the elite 501st Legion of stormtroopers to eliminate Dellso and destroy his droid forces. In space above Mustafar, Dellso's fleet engaged the Imperials, and his droid forces began to board the 501st's Star Destroyer. However, the 501st repelled the boarders, destroyed numerous droid fighters, crippled a Providence-class carrier/destroyer, and stole a Belbullab-24 strike bomber.

Gizor Dellso is killed by the Imperial forces on Mustafar.

The 501st then landed on the planet and assaulted the mining facility. Dellso's army fought to defend against the stormtroopers and maintain his rebellion. The Imperials were determined to prevent a recurrence of the Clone Wars. After the 501st destroyed his prototype battle droid schematics, Dellso personally entered the battle, accompanied by other armed Geonosians and battle droids. Dellso unleashed fire upon the Imperials using a Bulldog RLR, but the 501st ultimately overwhelmed his forces and killed the Geonosian fugitive by shooting him. With the Separatist holdout collapsing due to the loss of leadership, the Empire bombarded Mustafar from orbit, destroying both the mining facility and Dellso's factory, thereby eliminating the last remnants of the droid army.

Many of the 501st Legion's initial missions remained classified for decades until some of its members' electronic journals were discovered. One retired clone trooper documented the 501st's mission to Mustafar, including the elimination of Gizor Dellso and his failed droid insurrection.

Personality and traits

Gizor Dellso was an engineer involved in the design of the signal override apparatus for the Trade Federation Droid Army. As a dedicated Separatist, the fugitive Dellso refused to surrender following the destruction of the Separatist Council at the end of the Clone Wars, and he unsuccessfully attempted to revive the droid rebellion during the early period of the Galactic Empire. A winged Geonosian, Dellso possessed brown skin and dark eyes.


During the battle on Mustafar, Gizor Dellso carried a Bulldog RLR with a frame similar to the Geonosian sonic blaster.

Behind the scenes

Gizor Dellso was created for the 2005 video game Star Wars: Battlefront II, which was developed by Pandemic Studios and published by LucasArts. Dellso serves as the final objective in the two-part Mustafar mission, titled "Preventive Measures" and "Tying up Loose Ends," within the game's "Rise of the Empire" campaign.


Gizor Dellso first appeared in Star Wars: Battlefront II in 2005.

In Star Wars: Battlefront II and Star Wars Battlefront II: Prima Official Game Guide, the character's name is written as "Gizor Delso," and the guide also misspells his last name as "Delsa" on several occasions. However, starting with the Databank, all subsequent sources have spelled his name as "Gizor Dellso." The game also provides two different ways to say the character's name, spoken by the game's clone trooper narrator and an Imperial soldier over comlink during the Mustafar mission.

Unlike other Geonosians in Battlefront II, Dellso's model in the game does not show wings when he is on the ground, but his wings can be seen when he is flying. Also, Dellso's weapon appears to be a Geonosian sonic blaster, but it functions as a Bulldog RLR, firing missiles. While Battlefront II and its game guide specifically tell the player to kill Dellso, the Databank and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia entries for the 501st Legion instead said that the 501st went to Mustafar to capture the rogue Geonosian.

