This fleet belonged to Gizor Dellso, a renegade Separatist who made an attempt to reignite the conflict known as the Clone Wars.
This naval force included Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships, alongside Providence-class carrier/destroyers, in addition to Munificent-class star frigates. Furthermore, it contained Vulture droids, Droid tri-fighters, Belbullab-24 strike bombers, and also at least one Heavy Missile Platform.
The Clone Wars were brought to a conclusion by the Sith Lord Darth Vader during 19 BBY. Following this, Gizor Dellso, a Geonosian Separatist who was determined to continue the fight, journeyed to the planet of Mustafar. On Mustafar, he successfully discovered and reactivated a clandestine droid factory. He then utilized this factory to manufacture an army of battle droids as well as a fleet comprised of various starships. Dellso then dispatched his fleet to blockade Mustafar, with the intention of preventing attacks from the Galactic Empire. Sometime between 17 and 12 BBY, Vader became aware of Dellso's endeavors to restart the Clone Wars. Consequently, he dispatched the 501st Legion, the Empire's elite unit, with the mission of eliminating Dellso and his droid army. Dellso's fleet engaged the 501st Legion in a space battle above Mustafar, where it was ultimately destroyed. The factory itself was subsequently destroyed by forces of the Empire.