X1's faction

Following the Battle of Endor and Emperor Palpatine's death, a period of fragmentation occurred within the Galactic Empire. During this time, X1, a Force-sensitive individual and one-time clone trooper, established a splinter faction. This group met its end when X2, X1's brother, killed him during the Battle of Mustafar, leading to the faction's dissolution. Bast Castle on Vjun served as X1's base of operations for a period.


This faction utilized a diverse array of military assets. These included dark troopers, stormtroopers, scout troopers, Wookiee clones, Emperor's Royal Guards, shock troopers, Star Destroyers, TIE/D Defenders, TIE/LN starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, and even an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. To augment their forces, they also employed leftover battle droids from Gizor Dellso's army, such as B2 super battle droids, droidekas, IG-100 MagnaGuards, engineer battle droids, and battle droid assassins, increasing their overall combat effectiveness. Furthermore, the faction engaged in cloning experiments on Dathomir and maintained cloning installations on Mustafar to produce X1's clone army. A saboteur was also deployed on Dathomir by the faction.


In 4 ABY, following the demise of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, X1, once a clone trooper and later a Sith created using the DNA of Jedi Knight Falon Grey, seized the opportunity presented by the resulting power vacuum to form his own faction. This faction, with the goal of establishing a new Galactic Empire under X1's leadership, established its main headquarters at Bast Castle on Vjun. X1's forces clashed with the New Republic in various engagements, including the Battle of Mustafar. However, the faction's existence was cut short when X1 was killed by his brother, X2, during the Battle of Mustafar, resulting in the group's disbandment.

Behind the scenes

The game Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron featured X1's faction. The title of this article is speculative, as the Imperial forces depicted in the game following the Battle of Endor were generally referred to as the "Empire" or the "Imperial Remnant."

