
X2 was a clone trooper with Force abilities, secretly created by the Kaminoans before the Clone Wars began. He was cloned using DNA from Falon Grey, a Jedi Knight. X2 fought for the Galactic Republic in the war, alongside his brother X1, who was created from the same genetic source. These two gained a reputation as highly skilled and valuable soldiers, participating in numerous Clone Wars battles. As the war neared its end, X2 took part in the Battle of Cato Neimoidia. There, following Order 66 issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, he was ordered to kill his commander, the Jedi Master Ferroda. X2 obeyed, assassinating Ferroda, and joined the ranks of the stormtroopers in the Galactic Empire that was newly formed. However, unlike X1, he had doubts about his actions. After serving the New Order for several months, X2's misgivings grew stronger during an attack on the planet of Dantooine, where the mission was to kill a fugitive Jedi who was being sheltered by innocent villagers. Upon discovering that X1 intended to murder the innocent people who were hiding the Jedi, X2 deserted the Empire.

He sided with the Jedi, who turned out to be his "father," Falon Grey, and attempted to assist the civilians in escaping the planet. However, X1 caught up to them and murdered everyone except X2, who was only saved because Grey used Force-heal on him before his own death. For the next fifteen years, X2 lived as a simple farmer on Dantooine until Rahm Kota, Grey's former Master, found him and recruited him into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Shortly after joining the Rebellion, X2 rescued a group of captured Rebels on Geonosis, and they pledged their loyalty to him. Following Kota's advice, X2 formed these men into a military unit, naming it Grey Squadron in honor of Falon Grey. X2 and his squadron proved to be a valuable asset to the Rebellion, participating in many battles during the Galactic Civil War, including the pivotal Battles of Yavin, Hoth, where X2 confronted X1, who was still an Imperial, and Endor. During this time, X2 also began to explore his connection to the Force, guided by the Rebel Jedi Luke Skywalker.

After the Battle of Endor and the demise of Emperor Palpatine, Skywalker promoted X2 to the rank of Jedi Knight and gifted him a lightsaber. Aware that X1 was still at large in the galaxy, trying to rebuild the fragmented Empire after Palpatine's death, X2 vowed to find and stop him. Eventually, X2 tracked his brother to Mustafar, where X1 had captured Skywalker and planned to create a Force-sensitive clone army using Skywalker's DNA. X2 faced off against X1 and defeated him in a lightsaber duel, but he refused to kill him. In response, X1 attempted to kill X2 by using the Force to manipulate his lightsaber. However, X2 reacted quickly and dodged the lightsaber, causing it to stab X1 and send him falling into the fiery lava below. Following the battle and the rescue of Skywalker, X2 was promoted to Jedi Master.


Early life

X2 was a clone trooper with Force-sensitive abilities, created by the Kaminoans using the genetic template of Falon Grey, a Jedi Knight. Before the Clone Wars, while Grey was still a Padawan under Jedi Master Rahm Kota, he was severely injured while traveling with his Master, forcing Kota to make an emergency landing on the planet of Kamino. The Kaminoans healed Grey, but in return, they secretly took his genetic sample without his knowledge or consent. From this sample, they created two clones, X1 and X2. X2 was born one hour after X1, earning him the title of the former's younger "brother." The two clones grew up unaware of their origins, secretly raised by the Kaminoans alongside other clones produced from the genes of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter, as requested by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. During this time, X1 and X2 were responsible for training their clone brethren.

Clone Wars

X2 as a clone trooper

When the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, X1 and X2 became clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the conflict, the two served together, showing exceptional skills. Recognizing their abilities, the Galactic Republic tasked X1 and X2 with training newly grown clone trooper batches in the art of warfare.

Near the end of the war in 19 BBY, X1 and X2 were assigned to Ferroda, a Jedi Master, on the planet Tatooine, where they were to oversee the training of new clone troopers. On the planet, X2's initial training session was interrupted when a Confederate recon droid was spotted inside the Republic outpost. X2 pursued and destroyed the droid. When it was revealed that the droid was part of a larger reconnaissance patrol, X2 took control of an AT-RT and destroyed the remaining droids. Flying a V-wing into space, he tracked and destroyed the transport ship that had deployed the droids.

Despite repelling the initial incursion, X1 realized that Tatooine was about to be invaded, and the brothers began to prepare defenses. The Separatist attack soon followed. X2 and his brother first aided clone pilots who were pinned down inside the base by droids. However, the Separatists deployed OG-9 homing spider droids onto the battlefield. Lacking heavy weaponry to destroy the spider droids, the brothers had to navigate through a battle droid-infested cantina to bypass them. Once the cantina was cleared, X2 obtained a rocket launcher from a fellow clone and destroyed the spider droids. X1 then sent in reinforcements, and X2 used an anti-aircraft turret to shoot down droid starfighters. He operated the outpost's ion cannon, disabling the shields of a Separatist Providence-class carrier/destroyer above the planet.

After clearing the base's hangar, X2 and X1 boarded V-wings and took the fight to space. After destroying several Vulture droid starfighters, X2 and some clone troopers boarded the unshielded cruiser. X2 then destroyed the ship's reactor core and escaped in his V-wing just before the cruiser exploded. The Republic won the Battle of Tatooine. As a reward for their bravery, X1 and X2 were invited to the galactic capital of Coruscant to receive medals from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself, although Palpatine confused the two during the award ceremony. However, Separatist forces attacked the planet during the ceremony. After instructing several clone troopers to ensure the Chancellor's safety, X2 and X1 separated and moved through the streets of Coruscant. On his way, X2 encountered and defeated an IG-100 MagnaGuard, a type of droid serving as a personal bodyguard for Separatist General Grievous, and realized that Grievous was behind the attack. He soon spotted Grievous, followed him to a skylane transportation hub, and engaged the cyborg in battle. X2 used explosives against Grievous, injuring him and forcing him into the planet's traffic with the blast waves.

Recognizing X2 as a worthy opponent, Grievous commended him for lasting longer than expected. He then retreated to resume his primary objective: kidnapping Palpatine, whom he eventually captured and took to his flagship, the Invisible Hand. X2 and X1 boarded nearby Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters and joined the space battle, engaging Separatist Vulture droids in combat. Soon, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived at Coruscant to rescue the Chancellor. X2 flew as their escort, eliminating droid starfighters. As the Jedi approached the Invisible Hand, they noticed another destroyer moving in to assist the flagship. Kenobi tasked X2 with hijacking that destroyer, and when X2 had infiltrated the ship, Kenobi sent two more troopers to assist him. The clones successfully reached the starship's bridge and secured control of the vessel. X2 then used its weaponry to destroy the Invisible Hand's turbolaser defenses, as well as some Vulture droids attacking the approaching Jedi and stationary Vultures inside the hangar, allowing the Jedi to land inside the ship and rescue the Chancellor.

In the final days of the Clone Wars, X2 and X1 were stationed on Cato Neimoidia with Ferroda. When the Republic fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers arrived at the planet, the ship carrying X2 was boarded by battle droids. X2 fought off the invading forces and later used the ship's orbital strike cannon to bombard Separatist defenses on the planet's surface. He then piloted an ARC-170 to the surface, joining the ground battle. As Ferroda and the clone troopers advanced on the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's palace, X2 provided covering fire with a sniper rifle from the landing platform and destroyed the controls of an enemy ion cannon. During this time, Ferroda sensed X2's potential in the Force and promised to introduce him to the Jedi High Council upon their return to Coruscant after the battle. Meanwhile, X2 infiltrated the Viceroy's palace and reached the droid control terminal, deactivating all Confederate droids on the planet.

At that moment, a transmission arrived from Coruscant. Palpatine, claiming that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic, ordered the clone troopers on Cato Neimoidia to execute Order 66 and kill Ferroda. The troopers followed the order and ambushed the Jedi Master in the throne room. X2, against Palpatine's order, watched as Ferroda killed most of the clone platoon in self-defense, wounding X1. Enraged, X2 drew a vibroblade and confronted Ferroda. Ferroda attempted to reason with X2, telling him that he was not his real enemy and urging him to search his heart. X2, angered by what the Jedi had done to his brother, killed him, an action that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

A family reunion

Soon after Order 66 was issued, the Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire with Palpatine as its Emperor. X1 and X2 became stormtroopers and served the Empire, eventually becoming known as two of its most trusted agents. However, since Order 66, X2 felt that he was not doing the right thing and began to show signs of concern that X1 noticed. Sometime between 17 BBY and 15 BBY, the brothers, under the supervision of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, were assigned to hunt down a fugitive Jedi hiding among villagers on Dantooine. Vader believed that the clones would aid him in exterminating the remaining members of the Jedi Order. When X2 hesitated to embark on the mission, X1 ordered him to follow orders.

Falon Grey reveals his face to X2.

X2 complied, and the brothers, along with other troopers, took ARC-170s and headed for the planet's surface. X1 ordered them to enter the atmosphere and destroy the village where the Jedi was hiding. X2 protested, not wanting to kill innocent people, believing that they were only there for the Jedi. X1, however, was certain that the villagers deserved to die for harboring a Jedi. X2 continued to argue, and X1 ordered Zeta Squadron to escort him back to the carrier ship. Angered by X1's commands, X2 decided that he could no longer follow him. He bid farewell to his brother, intending to defect. X1 immediately declared him a traitor and ordered X2's squadmates to kill him.

X2 defeated his attackers and landed on the planet, where he met the hooded Jedi fugitive and warned him of the incoming attack. The Jedi revealed that the local militia had already prepared for the attack, but X2 offered his help in fighting the Imperials, and the Jedi accepted. Together with the village militia, X2 and the Jedi repelled the attack. The Jedi then revealed his face, which was an older version of X2's, and identified himself as Falon Grey, explaining that he had realized X2 was his genetic "son" and understood the circumstances of his creation as soon as he had seen X2's face. Grey believed that he had failed the Jedi Order for not sensing Palpatine's treachery, and when X2 admitted that he had done terrible things, Grey offered to seek redemption together.

Grey and X2 then set off to evacuate another village. On their way, they cleared a barn that had been converted into a communications center by stormtroopers. When they reached the village, they found it under attack by more Imperial soldiers. After repelling the attack with Grey and the militia members, X2 manned the village's anti-aircraft turret and destroyed incoming LAAT/i gunships. To evacuate the militiamen, X2 and Grey escorted them to the ruins of the old Jedi Enclave. They reached a secret hangar with a LAAT/i through a series of caverns, but the hangar doors were jammed from the outside by large boulders. X2 returned through the caves to the other side of the door and destroyed the debris with explosives. He then returned to the village and used an ion cannon to disable an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in space before it could establish a blockade over the planet. Returning to the hangar, X2 collapsed the rocks behind him, sealing the cave entrance from the Empire's troops.

However, once X2 opened the hangar door, X1 and his stormtroopers landed in LAATs. They killed all the remaining militia members and wounded X2 with a blaster bolt. Grey used the Force to blast off the stormtroopers and attacked X1, who was armed with a force pike. The two dueled, and Grey emerged victorious. Sensing some good in X1 and wanting to draw him from the darkness, Falon Grey spared him and returned his force pike. However, X1 attacked the Jedi again and took his lightsaber. He then shot Grey with his blaster and cut X2 with Grey's lightsaber, leaving his brother and father to die as he and the stormtroopers departed the planet. Before dying, Grey used the Force to heal X2's wounds. X2 survived and spent the next fifteen years working as a simple farmer on Dantooine. Between 2 BBY and 0 BBY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent Jedi Master Rahm Kota to recruit Falon Grey, whom they still believed to be alive. Kota, who had no respect for clones, was disappointed to find only a "pale imitation" of his former Padawan. Still, he sensed the Force resonating in X2 and offered him a chance to join the Rebellion, which X2 accepted.

Rebel Agent

Formation of Grey Squadron

During this time, the Rebel Alliance was conducting a campaign against the new Imperial superweapon, the Death Star. X2's first mission for the Alliance was to travel to Desolation Station, an asteroid-based facility in the Atrivis sector, where components of the Death Star's superlaser were being assembled and transported to the Death Star. X2 was tasked with infiltrating a transport carrying the last of these components, the tributary beam, and preventing it from reaching its destination. However, the transport was protected by a defensive shield corridor, preventing X2 from sneaking aboard. To overcome this, Kota sent him to Desolation Station to find the shield controls and deactivate it. Upon reaching the station, X2 received intelligence from Kota about some Wookiee slaves being held inside.

X2 freed the slaves and reached the shield control center, deactivating the transport's defensive corridor. X2's actions triggered an alert throughout the facility, but with the help of the liberated Wookiees and Rebel fighters sent as backup, he managed to reach a TIE fighter hangar and steal one of the starfighters. After leaving the station, X2 was pursued by enemy TIEs, but he held them off until Rebel X-wings, dispatched by Kota, arrived to cover him. While the X-wings engaged the TIEs in a dogfight, X2 flew to the transport and destroyed its turbolaser defenses. He then landed inside, fought his way to the weapons control room, and destroyed Desolation Station with the tributary beam, effectively halting the Death Star's construction. Following the completion of this mission, X2 was formally inducted into the Rebel Alliance.

Grey Squadron is formed out of the Geonosis escapees.

Some time passed, and then X2 received a message from Kota. Kota informed him that a Rebel strike team, dispatched to infiltrate an Imperial base on Geonosis, had been found and captured. Kota intended to rescue them with X2's assistance and departed for Geonosis. He informed X2 that a speeder bike would be left for him at the landing zone, where they would meet at the base. However, upon X2's arrival at Geonosis in his X-wing, the bounty hunter Boba Fett attacked him, mistakenly believing him to be Kota. Fett's goal was to collect the bounty placed on Kota by the Empire. Upon realizing that the X-wing pilot was not Kota, Fett decided to capture X2 and use him as bait to lure the Jedi. X2 then fought Fett's ship, Slave I, within the asteroid ring surrounding Geonosis, eventually defeating him and causing the bounty hunter to retreat. Subsequently, X2 landed on the planet, took the speeder bike Kota had left, and proceeded to the base. After meeting Kota inside, X2 freed the imprisoned Rebels and escorted them to a landing pad.

The Rebels, grateful for X2's rescue, pledged their loyalty to him and requested that he lead them as a military unit. Despite initial hesitation, X2 eventually agreed to become their leader. Following Kota's suggestion, X2 named his new unit Grey Squadron in honor of his deceased father, Falon Grey. As Grey Leader, X2 led his squadron across the galaxy, where it gained recognition as a unit of fierce and dedicated fighters. X2 himself earned a reputation as a dependable figure within the Rebel Alliance. Rahm Kota continued to watch over him, remembering Grey.

Death Star threat

Learning the precise location of the Death Star's construction site, the prison planet Despayre, the Rebel Alliance devised a daring reconnaissance mission to enter the station and gather intelligence about its capabilities, as well as rescue prisoners held there. Upon hearing about this, X2 volunteered for the mission. Flying his X-wing, X2, accompanied by other Rebels, reached the Death Star, which was being guarded by an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and numerous TIE fighters. After eliminating the TIE fighters, X2 boarded the Star Destroyer and, guided by Kota via comlink, used the ship's orbital strike cannon to destroy the Death Star's defensive autoturrets. During the Rebel attack, the battlestation's hangar shield deactivated. X2 then returned to his X-wing, left the Star Destroyer, and headed for the Death Star.

After landing alongside some Rebel troops, X2 made his way toward the prison cells. However, he came across a conference room and witnessed a holographic transmission from X1, who reported his imminent delivery of the tributary laser to the Death Star. This revealed to X2 that his brother was still alive, although he didn't have time to dwell on it. Hoping to create a distraction, Kota instructed X2 to head for the superlaser control room and use the superweapon to destroy the Star Destroyer. X2 reached the controls and fired the unfinished laser, obliterating the Imperial ship. Impressed by the laser's power, Kota stressed the urgency of delivering information about it to the Alliance High Command. Before that, however, X2 still needed to rescue the prisoners. He freed them from the detention block and disabled the station's tractor beam. X2 and the Rebels then escaped using two stolen Lambda-class T-4a shuttles.

X2 and Shara witness the beginning of the Imperial attack on Yavin 4.

Later, X2 and Grey Squadron were stationed at the Rebel base on the moon of Yavin 4. During this period, Kota recommended a female bounty hunter named Shara for induction into Grey Squadron, and X2, trusting Kota's judgment, accepted her commission. However, upon her arrival at the base, the Empire launched an attack on the planet, deploying a force of stormtroopers to capture the Yavin Temple and utilizing TIE bombers for bombing runs. X2 and Shara advanced toward the temple, avoiding TIE bomber attacks. After clearing the temple's surroundings, they discovered that the base's anti-aircraft turret was deactivated. X2 repaired the turret's power stations, activating the weapon. Subsequently, they entered the base, where Shara received a transmission from the Rebel General Jan Dodonna, revealing that the invading Imperials had placed jamming beacons throughout the base, preventing the Incom-designed X-wings' engines from functioning correctly.

X2 and Shara destroyed all the jamming beacons and, after clearing the base of enemy forces, used X-wings to join the space battle against the Death Star, which had arrived at Yavin 4. With its superlaser fully operational, the Death Star was preparing to fire a devastating shot to destroy Yavin 4. The Rebel Alliance planned to target the Death Star's two-meter wide thermal exhaust port with proton torpedoes, hoping to trigger a chain reaction that would destroy the massive station. Near the end of the battle, Rebel pilots Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, and Biggs Darklighter attempted a run through the trench leading to the exhaust port, but were pursued by Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced x1 and two wingmen. X2 flew his X-wing into the trench just behind Vader's ship, hoping to provide support for Skywalker. However, Vader ordered all nearby turbolaser batteries to fire at X2, and TIE fighters also strafed him from above the trench.

Although X2 was unable to assist Skywalker, the latter was rescued by two smugglers, Han Solo and Chewbacca, aboard their ship, the Millennium Falcon. Solo eliminated one of Vader's wingmen, and the other one panicked and collided with Vader's fighter, sending him spinning into space. Seconds later, Skywalker successfully made the shot using the Force and destroyed the Death Star. X2 and Shara were among the few pilots who survived the battle. Shortly afterward, the Empire established a blockade of Yavin, hoping to prevent the Rebels from escaping. However, the codes to bypass the blockade were located in a transponder device aboard the Death Star. X2 and Shara were sent in X-wings to the station's wreckage in Yavin's orbit to retrieve the device. The retrieval mission turned into a battle when Imperial TIE fighters arrived to reclaim the codes. X2 distracted the TIE fighters while Shara located the transponder in the wreckage. X2 retrieved it, and they returned to base.

The continuing war

Soon after, the Empire launched an assault on Yavin 4 to destroy the Alliance. As the battle raged, X2 and Shara reached the Yavin Temple and tried to send an evacuation signal before the Empire arrived in full force. However, TIE bombers destroyed the communications tower, preventing the Rebels from sending the signal. X2 destroyed the Imperial starfighters using the base's anti-aircraft defenses and, along with some Rebel troops, took a T4-B heavy tank to the communications tower. The tower was located on an unreachable platform, forcing X2 to use a Force Jump, marking the beginning of his exploration of his Force-sensitivity. After X2 repaired the tower, Shara initiated the evacuation procedure and left the planet in a starfighter. After destroying several more TIEs, X2 also headed for the hangar to evacuate. On his way, he received a communication from Col Serra, the commander of the newly formed Renegade Squadron, who requested his help in space. Taking control of an X-wing, X2 joined the space battle, where Serra instructed him to assist Renegade Squadron in taking down a communications array on an Imperial-class Star Destroyer to prevent it from calling reinforcements. Once the array was destroyed, Serra and X2 landed inside the ship, destroyed its reactor core, and evacuated before the vessel exploded. That day, the Alliance successfully escaped from the planet.

Three years later, X2 and Grey Squadron were stationed at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth when an Imperial probe droid discovered it. Soon, the Imperial fleet approached the planet, and ground troops were deployed, initiating the Battle of Hoth. X2 initially participated in the space battle in his X-wing, destroying TIE interceptors and preventing Imperial landing craft from reaching the surface. He then headed for the ground and made his way to Echo Base's hangar. There, X2 was tasked with holding off the invading Imperials until Princess Leia Organa could escape. X2 called in Grey Squadron, and they defended the hangar against waves of snowtroopers. X2 was then contacted by Shara, who informed him that Echo Station 5-7, where the Rebel v-150 anti-orbital ion cannon was located, needed help against Imperial walkers. Taking a snowspeeder, X2 reached the station and used its defensive network of DF.9 anti-infantry batteries to repel AT-ST attacks. He was then instructed by Shara to man the ion cannon, and he used it to disable the tractor beam of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbit, allowing some of the Rebel evacuation transports to escape safely.

X2 faces off against X1 on the Avarice.

X2 was then contacted by a member of Grey Squadron, who requested his assistance in the space battle. Taking off from the planet in his X-wing, X2 reached the space above Hoth and was once again contacted by Shara, who instructed him to infiltrate the Star Destroyer Avarice and destroy it. Before doing so, X2 distracted the Avarice by engaging in a dogfight with its TIE fighter complement. Once he landed inside the ship, Shara informed him that thanks to his distraction, most of the transport ships had escaped from Hoth, and that Skywalker had sent Grey Squadron to help him. X2 told Shara and Grey Squadron to rendezvous with him in the engine control room, where they would plant Class-A thermal detonators. On his way there, however, X2 was stopped by his brother X1, who was armed with Falon Grey's lightsaber and was using Force powers. Engaging in battle with X1, X2 ordered Grey Squadron not to wait for him and to set the explosive charges and clear the ship.

During their fight, X1 offered X2 a chance to join him, but X2 refused and continued to fight his brother, ultimately defeating him. X2 tried to reason with him, to make him realize the Empire's true nature, but X1 did not listen. Instead, when an explosion of the detonated Grey Squadron's charges distracted X2, he Force-pushed him out of the way and ran away, evacuating from the ship. X2 escaped from the Avarice as well. Having witnessed X1's usage of the Force, X2 began to reflect on his own Force-sensitivity and whether he should use it to aid the Rebellion.

Victory at Endor

A year later, the Rebel Alliance discovered that the Empire was constructing a new Death Star in orbit around the forest moon of Endor. Upon learning that Palpatine himself would visit the station, a daring plan was devised to destroy both the Death Star and the Emperor in one strike. The plan involved destroying a deflector shield generator on the surface of the forest moon, which projected a shield protecting the Death Star. To accomplish this, a strike team led by Han Solo was sent to infiltrate the moon and destroy the shield generator bunker; Renegade Squadron also landed on the moon to assist Solo. Soon, the Rebel fleet executed a hyperspace jump to Endor for a final assault on the Death Star II. Grey Squadron arrived as part of the Rebel force. However, it was soon discovered that Solo's team had not yet deactivated the shield. Moreover, the entire operation was revealed to be a trap orchestrated by Palpatine; the Death Star's superlaser was operational, and the Imperial fleet engaged the Rebels.

Seeing this, the Rebel Admiral Gial Ackbar ordered X2 and Grey Squadron to regroup at his flagship, Home One, and defend it against Imperial starfighter attacks. However, the fighters were merely a diversion, as Imperial forces boarded Home One and attacked its primary reactor. X2 landed inside the flagship and assisted Ackbar in securing it. Immediately afterward, X2 was contacted by Serra, who requested that X2 assist Renegade Squadron on the surface of Endor's forest moon. X2 used one of Home One's escape pods to reach the ground. Serra informed X2 that several of the native Ewoks, who had been aiding the Rebels, had been captured by the Empire. X2 freed the Ewoks and was instructed by Serra to meet him at the shield generator bunker. Serra approached the bunker in his X-wing but was shot down by a turbolaser battery and crashed into a tree.

The Death Star II is destroyed.

X2 met him at the downed starfighter, and they proceeded inside the bunker, where Serra sabotaged the Imperial communications network. Leaving Solo to destroy the bunker, X2 and Serra headed for an Imperial ion cannon to use it against enemy Star Destroyers. Shortly thereafter, Solo's strike team, assisted by Renegade Squadron, successfully destroyed the shield generator bunker, lowering the Death Star's shield. This allowed General Lando Calrissian to fly the Millennium Falcon into the station's inner structure and destroy the power generator, triggering a chain reaction that destroyed the Death Star. Prior to this, aboard the station, Darth Vader had been redeemed by Skywalker and had killed the Emperor, sacrificing his own life in the process.

Despite the destruction of the Death Star, the massive Imperial fleet continued to battle the Rebels. To aid their comrades, X2 and Serra reached the controls of the Imperial ion cannon, and X2 used it to lower the shields of two Star Destroyers, allowing Rebel frigates to destroy them. The battle was not over, as two All Terrain Armored Transports attacked a nearby Ewok village, but X2 destroyed them with a rocket launcher, targeting their cranial sections. Ultimately, the Battle of Endor resulted in a victory for the Alliance.


Trials of a Jedi Knight

X2 as a Jedi Knight

After the second Death Star's demise, X2 began to understand his Force abilities under Luke Skywalker's guidance. Eventually, Skywalker recognized his progress by naming him a Jedi Knight and presenting him with a lightsaber. Despite this honor, X2 still saw himself as a soldier, not a Jedi, but Skywalker reassured him that these were extraordinary times that demanded everyone step into unexpected roles. Although he accepted the Jedi title, X2 continued to serve as Grey Leader. He also discovered that X1 was still alive, leading him to pledge to find his brother and ensure he faced justice. Before embarking on that mission, X2 was called upon to aid Lando Calrissian in the liberation of Cloud City, a tibanna gas mining colony situated on the gas giant of Bespin.

Calrissian, who had previously managed the colony as its Baron Administrator before the Empire's occupation, provided X2 guidance via comlink. Meanwhile, X2 piloted an X-wing, battling Imperial starfighters and an Imperial-class Star Destroyer above Cloud City. Following Calrissian's strategy, X2 targeted and destroyed a mining platform, causing it to plummet onto the Star Destroyer, obliterating it. After dealing with pursuing TIE fighters, X2 landed his X-wing on the designated platform and met Calrissian, who shared his plan to free the city. Calrissian's objective was to rescue his aide, the cyborg Lobot, who was being held captive by the Empire, and to regain control of Cloud City with Lobot's assistance. X2 accompanied Calrissian to a computer terminal, where the former administrator located Lobot's whereabouts within the prison cells. X2 successfully freed Lobot, escorted him to Cloud City's central computer, and protected him while he transferred all operational control of the city back to Calrissian. The Empire launched a counterattack, but X2, Calrissian, and Lobot intercepted all Imperial forces—including some [dark troopers](/article/dark_trooper-legends]—at the landing platforms and eliminated them.

With Cloud City now free, X2—who had committed to serving the New Republic, the new galactic government that replaced the Rebel Alliance—began his search for his brother. He soon traced X1's forces to the planet Dathomir, where X1 maintained a base. X2 arrived there with Grey Squadron, choosing to land in a swamp to avoid detection by the base's extensive security measures. Once on the planet's surface, X2 sensed that X1 was engaged in a significant project within the base. He and Grey Squadron used speeder bikes to reach X1's base, where X2's Force sensitivity indicated a strong presence of the dark side, though it didn't seem to originate from X1 himself. At that moment, a woman wielding a lightsaber attacked him, whom X2 identified as a member of the Nightsisters clan of the Dathomiri Witches. He defeated her, but more Nightsisters emerged, attacking Grey Squadron. X2 defended his unit and learned that the Nightsisters had been attempting to breach the base. X2 entered the base, instructing his men to remain at the entrance, as he sensed a powerful and dark presence inside.

Upon entering his brother's base, X2 was confronted by the Nightsister Matriarch, who was riding a rancor. After battling them, he killed the rancor and ultimately, the Matriarch herself. Rejoining two members of Grey Squadron—a Human and a Mon Calamari—X2 advanced further into X1's base, discovering a laboratory where X1 had been conducting cloning experiments. X2 concluded that his brother had abandoned the base, which had since been overrun by the Nightsisters. To recover any crucial data, he forced his way into X1's office. Locating the main computer, X2 contacted Shara for assistance in extracting the data. With their mission accomplished, they returned to the landing pad to meet Grey Squadron, only to find it devastated. An Imperial had infiltrated the area and planted detonation packs on Grey Squadron's X-wings. Many members of the unit had perished, including Tavoy, Watkins, and Ryder, but the saboteur was captured. X2 attempted to use a mind trick to interrogate him about X1's plans, but the man had been trained to resist such techniques and remained silent. Overcome with anger, X2 succumbed to the dark side and Force-choked the Imperial, but Shara calmed him down, and he regretted his actions.

Realizing that the Empire was aware of their presence on Dathomir, the surviving members of Grey Squadron boarded the remaining operational ships and attempted to flee the planet. However, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer had already arrived, leading to a battle. X2 destroyed the ship's turrets, and Shara informed him that they could now escape. Still emotionally affected by the loss of his comrades, X2 decided to stand his ground against the Empire and resolved to destroy the Star Destroyer. He eliminated the vessel's TIE fighter escort and launched an attack on the bridge, delivering a shot that triggered a chain reaction, destroying the entire ship. X2 and the remaining pilots of Grey Squadron escaped the planet and reported the events on Dathomir to the New Republic command.


Later, X2 learned that X1 had declared himself a Sith Lord and was seeking to uncover the secrets of the dark side. To achieve this, he had traveled to the planet Vjun and occupied Bast Castle, the former residence of Darth Vader. Determined to prevent X1 from gaining too much knowledge from Vader's castle, X2 set out for Vjun, guided by Skywalker via comlink. Arriving at the planet, he disabled a network of security satellites in orbit to avoid detection. Hoping to gather information about X1's operations, X2 boarded an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbit and sliced into its mainframe. The ship's log revealed that X1 had already departed the planet but had left a Sith holocron within the castle. Skywalker hoped to determine X1's location by analyzing the holocron. After landing on the planet's surface and dealing with a starfighter garrison, X2 infiltrated Bast Castle. Inside, he had to fight against droid bodyguards that Vader had used for training. While inside the castle, X2 also received intelligence from Skywalker, who informed him that X1 had kept Falon Grey's lightsaber in Vader's trophy room. X2 located and retrieved the weapon. He then proceeded to Vader's meditation chamber, acquired the holocron, and escaped aboard a TIE bomber before more droids could arrive. The data from the holocron helped track X1 to Mustafar. Skywalker went ahead to confront the self-proclaimed Sith, but X1 captured him, intending to use Skywalker's genes to create an army of Force-sensitive clones.

X2 then traveled to Mustafar with Grey Squadron to confront X1 and rescue Skywalker. Upon reaching the planet's orbit, X2 infiltrated a Star Destroyer, seeking information about Skywalker's location. Aboard the ship, he encountered X1 again, now corrupted and disfigured by the dark side. After a duel, X1 retreated to the planet's surface in a TIE Advanced x1. X2 pursued him, enduring his brother's taunts. On the surface, he rejoined Grey Squadron inside the wreckage of a Venator-class Star Destroyer, from which they began launching raids on Imperial positions. X2 assisted his men, disabling a deflector shield to allow a Y-wing to bombard X1's defenses. Soon, X2 encountered X1 inside one of the buildings. After another duel, X1 retreated, but not before unleashing a horde of cloned Wookiees, a product of his cloning experiments, upon X2.

X2 looks down upon his defeated brother.

X2 defeated all the attackers and chased X1 to a mining platform. After a final confrontation, X2 overpowered X1, who begged his brother to kill him. However, X2, adhering to the Jedi Code, refused, intending to send his brother to Kessel Prison. In a final act, X1 used the Force to manipulate his dropped lightsaber, aiming to kill X2. X2 jumped over the lightsaber, causing X1 to be impaled by his own weapon. With the lightsaber piercing his chest, X1 fell backward into a lava river, meeting his end. The battle was won, and Skywalker was freed. In recognition of his dedicated service to the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, X2 was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master by Skywalker.

Personality and traits

Like his genetic father, Falon Grey, X2 possessed fair skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. X2 admired his brother from a young age, and they were initially very similar. However, as time passed, X1 grew colder, more violent, and power-hungry, a change that X2 began to notice towards the end of the Clone Wars. At that point, he became irritated by X1's orders. After learning that his brother was alive during the raid on the Death Star and after meeting him aboard the Avarice, X2 became determined to stop him, feeling it was his duty as his brother to do so.

X1 and X2 are recognized for their heroism.

Throughout his years of service to the Republic, X2 earned a reputation as a brave and skilled soldier, evidenced by receiving a medal from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Unlike his brother, who openly opposed the Jedi's pacifist beliefs, X2 supported the Order's stance. He was also loyal to the government he served, as long as it aligned with his moral principles. On Cato Neimoidia, he carried out Order 66 and remained to serve the Empire. Although he was troubled by his actions during this time and deeply regretted them, X1 persuaded him to follow orders and continue his service. X2 considered his murder of Ferroda a terrible act and regretted not having the Jedi Master's guidance. However, on Dantooine, X2 refused to obey X1's orders to kill innocent people and defected from the Empire. Joining his father on the planet's surface, he confessed his past actions and accepted Grey's offer to seek redemption together. After Grey's death, X2 distanced himself from galactic politics and became a farmer. This changed when Kota found him and convinced him to join the Alliance.

As a Rebel agent, X2 once again demonstrated exceptional combat skills, completing numerous missions against the Empire. Despite this, he preferred not to hold a leadership position, preferring to be just another soldier in the Alliance. Only at Kota's urging did he agree to lead Grey Squadron. As Kota became a mentor to X2, the latter trusted the veteran General's judgment completely, accepting the former bounty hunter Shara on his recommendation without question. Eventually, X2 became a respected figure in the Alliance. After discovering his Force abilities and witnessing X1 using them for evil, he questioned whether he should use his abilities to help the Rebellion, still seeing himself as a soldier and fearing a descent into the dark side like his brother. However, Skywalker, who held him in high regard, eventually convinced X2 to accept the title of Jedi Knight, explaining that facing the dark side was a trial every Jedi had to endure. X2 faced such a test on Dathomir, when, seeking to avenge his fallen comrades, he succumbed to the dark side, Force-choking the Imperial infiltrator and destroying a Star Destroyer. Nevertheless, when confronting his brother on Mustafar, he overcame his inner turmoil and spared X1's life.

Powers and abilities

Although X2 was initially unaware of his Force sensitivity, his potential was strong enough for Ferroda to sense it on Cato Neimoidia, and the Jedi Master even wanted to bring him before the Jedi Council for further study. When he finally realized his heritage, X2 was shocked, but he did not explore it for many years due to his self-imposed isolation on Dantooine.

X2 Force-choking the Imperial saboteur

Even without training, the Force was strong enough in X2 for Kota to sense it during their meeting years later. X2 first tapped into the Force during the evacuation of the Yavin base, using it to jump to an otherwise unreachable location to deliver the evacuation order. After this battle, X2 did not focus on his powers for three more years, until the encounter with X1 on the Avarice prompted him to consider his potential future as a Jedi.

After the Battle of Endor, Skywalker, convinced of X2's potential, granted him the title of Jedi Knight. X2 eventually mastered several Force abilities, including various forms of telekinesis, such as Force push and Force repulse. He also became skilled with the lightsaber given to him by Skywalker and could perform a lightsaber throw. His Force sense was also well-developed, allowing him to detect the presence of the dark side on Dathomir and distinguish it from his brother's presence. Later, during the same mission, he sensed the Nightsister Matriarch's aura inside the abandoned base. On Dathomir, X2 briefly lost control, allowing his anger to surface and Force-choking the Imperial saboteur, though he quickly regained control. In addition to his Force powers, X2 was proficient with a variety of weapons, from melee weapons like staffs, to blasters and sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and ground- and starship-based weapon emplacements. X2 was skilled in engineering and hacking, capable of repairing mechanisms and slicing computer consoles during battles. He was also a skilled pilot, flying his X-wing on numerous missions and defeating formidable opponents like Boba Fett.

Behind the scenes

X2 was created as the main character for the 2009 video game Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron for the PlayStation Portable and the Nintendo DS. Rebellion Developments and N-space developed the two versions, and LucasArts published them. However, leaked materials from Free Radical Design suggested that X2 was originally created for the unreleased Star Wars: Battlefront III video game. When that project was cancelled, much of the game's content was seemingly incorporated into Elite Squadron.

Console differences

The two versions of Elite Squadron present certain events in very different ways. This article attempts to integrate elements from both console versions, noting when elements are exclusive to one version or the other. However, some plot points directly contradict each other. This article addresses these conflicting situations on a case-by-case basis, noting the alternative portrayal below.

For example, the Battle of Tatooine is depicted differently in the Nintendo DS version compared to the PSP version, which is currently described in the article. In the Nintendo DS version, X1 and X2 are tasked with overseeing the construction of a Republic outpost instead of training new troopers. They are working at the outpost when the Separatist attack begins and are caught off guard. They proceed to an overrun Republic garrison and clear it of droids. They then travel on BARC speeders to another base across the desert to meet with Ferroda. Alongside the Jedi, X1 and X2 head to the hangar and board ARC-170s into space. There, X2 infiltrates a Lucrehulk-class battleship instead of a Providence-class destroyer. Additionally, while the PSP version claims Tatooine was an "early" victory for the Republic, the Nintendo DS version explicitly states that the battle occurs in 19 BBY.

This article describes the Battle of Coruscant as it is depicted in the Nintendo DS version to include the award ceremony held by Palpatine. In the PSP edition, X1 and X2 immediately engage Separatist forces in orbit around Coruscant. They first battle enemy droid fighters, and eventually, X2 and some clone troopers board a Providence-class carrier/destroyer. Inside the ship, X2 takes control of its orbital strike cannon and uses it against Separatist ground forces deployed on Coruscant's surface. This provides significant support to the Republic by hindering the Confederacy's ground invasion. X2 and other clones then leave the ship in escape pods and reach the planet's surface to support the Republic's ground troops. X2 reaches Jedi General Mace Windu's location, and Windu tasks him with repairing a defense turret to blast Separatist barricades surrounding the Senate Building. After completing this task, he and Windu reach the building and confront Grievous and his MagnaGuards. After a brief battle, the droid General retreats.

The battle of Cato Neimoidia in the article follows the PSP version's storyline. The Nintendo DS version claims that X2 is assigned to Cato Neimoidia "months" after the Battle of Coruscant, while in reality, much less time passes between the invasion of Coruscant and the end of the Clone Wars. Cato Neimoidia is also protected by an energy shield powered by three satellites in orbit, which X2 and X1 manage to deactivate.

The article describes the Battle of Hoth as presented in the Nintendo DS version. In the PSP version, the ion cannon is erroneously located next to the Rebel hangar instead of Echo Station 5-7, and it malfunctions during the battle. After defending the hangar, X2 is tasked with escorting an astromech droid to the ion cannon's controls to repair it. He then uses the cannon to disable the shields of a Star Destroyer in orbit. When Vader's stormtroopers storm the cannon's control room, X2 retreats to his X-wing and heads into space, where a boarding party has already assembled to infiltrate a Star Destroyer and destroy its orbital strike cannon. X2 protects the boarding party's LAAT/i gunships and enters the Star Destroyer. After destroying the ship's orbital strike cannon's controls, X2 is attacked by X1, who is armed with a blaster instead of Grey's lightsaber. When explosions begin to destroy the ship, the brothers break off their duel and escape in an X-wing and a TIE fighter, respectively.

The Battle of Endor in this article follows the PSP edition's story. In the Nintendo DS portrayal, Grey Squadron arrives at the Ewok village during the early battle, and X2 is contacted by Ackbar, who informs him that he has lost contact with Solo. X2 establishes contact with Organa, who tells him that their team has encountered heavy resistance at the bunker but can handle the situation themselves. While X2 and Grey Squadron defend the village, the strike team defeats the Imperials and begins planting explosives in the bunker. Informed of this, X2 and Grey Squadron take speeder bikes to the Rebel landing platform and meet Shara, who tells X2 that the platform has been overrun with Imperial troops.

X2 crash lands X1's Star Destroyer.

After fighting through them, Grey Squadron takes X-wings and joins the space battle. There, they are contacted by Calrissian, who asks X2's men to provide cover. While X2 battles waves of TIE fighters, Solo disables the Death Star's shield. Seeing an opportunity to download encrypted data from the Death Star's mainframe, Ackbar sends X2 inside the station. X2 leads his R2 unit to the mainframe, downloads the data, and escapes from the station before it explodes.

Finally, the article uses the PSP version's portrayal of the battle on Mustafar. In the Nintendo DS version, the New Republic lands forces on the planet, but they are stalled by an energy shield protecting X1's base. Additionally, a powerful planetary shield is activated, preventing them from receiving support. To help the troops on Mustafar, X2 infiltrates X1's Executor-class Star Dreadnought during a decoy attack by the New Republic fleet, hoping to use the ship's weapons to destroy shield generators on the planet's surface and disable both shields. X2 executes his plan; however, only the base shield goes down, so he rams the massive Star Destroyer into the shield, destroying it in the process, but making it through to the planet's surface.

Once on the planet, X2 faces reactivated Separatist battle droids left over from the Clone Wars. During the mission, X2 rescues Skywalker, and they fight their way through the droids until they reach the platform with X1. There, Skywalker tells X2 to proceed alone, stating that he must pass this final test by himself. Another difference between the two versions is the color of X2's lightsaber. In the PSP version, it is green, whereas in the Nintendo DS version, it is blue.

