Shara, once a bounty hunter, became a member of Grey Squadron under the command of General Rahm Kota. She fought alongside the Alliance to Restore the Republic in opposition to the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.

Prior to joining Grey Squadron under the guidance of Jedi Master Rahm Kota, Shara worked as a bounty hunter. During the Galactic Civil War, she assisted X2 during the Yavin 4 conflict, aiding Rebel soldiers and personnel in their evacuation before the Empire could retaliate for the Battle of Yavin by destroying the planet. Later, during the New Republic period, X2 discovered the whereabouts of his twin brother X1 on Vjun.
Shara took part in the Battle of Vjun alongside her fellow members of Grey Squadron, which facilitated the infiltration of Bast Castle by Rebel forces and the subsequent disruption of the Imperial Remnant's plans. However, X1 managed to escape the battle and fled to his cloning facility located on Mustafar. Shara continued to fight with Grey Squadron during the Battle of Mustafar, while X2 embarked on a mission to rescue the captured Luke Skywalker before X1 could create clones of him. At the height of the battle, X2 was able to defeat his twin brother, rescuing Skywalker and eliminating a significant threat to the newly established New Republic. Subsequently, Shara and X2, along with Luke Skywalker and the new galactic government, became integral parts of the New Republic.
Shara's character was initially conceived for the cancelled Star Wars: Battlefront III game developed by Free Radical Design. However, she was later incorporated into the 2009 video game Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron. A leaked version of Battlefront III for the Wii revealed her full name to be Shara Vale.