Battle of Dantooine (Imperial Period)

The Battle of Dantooine unfolded during the Imperial Period. In this conflict, a Imperial assault team sought out and attempted to eliminate Falon Grey, who was in hiding on the planet. Clone X1 was the spearhead of the offensive, while X2, choosing a different path, sided with the rebels.


Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, dispatched X1, X2, and other troops to Dantooine with orders to find and eliminate a Jedi being sheltered by the local population. On their journey to Dantooine, X2 came to the conclusion that supporting the Galactic Empire was wrong. As a result, he turned against the Empire and his clone brother, X1.

Upon arriving on the planet, X2 defected and aided the villagers in fighting off the brutal Imperial invasion. During this battle, he encountered Falon Grey, a Clone Wars veteran and Jedi, who was revealed to be his and X1's genetic father.

X2 meets Falon Grey.

As the Imperial invasion gained momentum, clone stormtroopers were deployed to villages suspected of harboring Rebel activists. They attacked these locations using AT-RTs.

X2 successfully slowed down the advance by using mines to block a reinforcement route at a landing pad. However, this action only delayed the Imperial effort temporarily. Imperial LAAT gunships, carrying Imperial reinforcements, were inbound. It became X2's responsibility to operate the village's AA gun and shoot down the incoming transports.

Near the end of the conflict, Grey, X2, and a group of Dantooinian rebels escaped through the Jedi Enclave on the planet, intending to use a rudimentary hangar for their escape. When X2 helped open the hangar door, several Imperial LAATs, carrying X1 and a squad of clone troopers, appeared and blocked their path. They opened fire without mercy, killing the rebels and injuring X2.

Grey neutralized the clones, while X1 engaged him in combat with a force pike. Grey defeated X1, offering him the force pike and his lightsaber as a sign of reconciliation. X1 used the force pike to disable Falon Grey, then killed him with a blaster shot. X1 and the other soldiers departed, leaving the unconscious X2 behind, presumed dead.

Before succumbing to his injuries, Grey healed X2.

Behind the scenes

The Invasion of Dantooine was designed for the 2009 video game Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron. It is a playable level in all versions of the game. The mission's purpose is to provide backstory for X1 and X2, explaining the reasons for their conflict.

