Sha'a Gi

Sha'a Gi, a male Human, was a Jedi Padawan during the time of the Clone Wars. He was born on the planet of Ord Biniir. Jedi Master Daakman Barrek discovered his Force-sensitivity when Gi was just a child. Barrek took Gi as his Padawan and brought him to Coruscant so the young man could commence his training to become a Jedi. During his training, Gi's martial arts skills within the Order were lacking, but he was exceptional at operating computer systems. Because of this, he wanted to work in the Jedi Archives after he passed his Jedi Trials. Gi and his Master worked well together, gathering intel and stopping pirate actions in the Outer Rim Territories.

When the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, Gi and Barrek kept gathering intel and learned of a Confederacy of Independent Systems droid factory operating on Hypori. Barrek requested a Republic task force to destroy the factory, but orbital mines devastated the reinforcements, and the entire force crashed on the planet's surface. Gi and Barrek joined up with some Jedi who had survived. Surrounded by droid forces, General Grievous, a cyborg who led the Droid Army, killed Barrek. While the remaining Jedi sought shelter inside the wreckage of a downed Acclamator-class assault ship and waited for Grievous to attack, Gi, overwhelmed by fear and the loss of his Master, panicked and ran into the open, where Grievous killed him.


Early life

Sha'a Gi, a male Human who was Force-sensitive, was born on the planet of Ord Biniir which is located in the Relgim sector of the Outer Rim Territories. When he was a child, Jedi Master Daakman Barrek discovered his connection to the Force. Barrek took the young boy as his Padawan, and escorted him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the galactic capital, so that Gi could receive training to become a Jedi.

Sha'a Gi's Master, Daakman Barrek

During his training, it became clear that Gi's skills in combat were not as good as others his age, but he was very good with computer systems. Because of this, Gi hoped to work in the Jedi Archives after he finished his Jedi Trials. Gi had a hard time with the mental discipline that Jedi Order members needed, and he struggled to control his fear when he had to work alone. However, his Master's presence usually helped him stay calm, and the two worked well as a team. Gi and Barrek were often sent to the Outer Rim Territories to gather information on pirate activity and stop any threats.

Participating in the Clone Wars

In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars started when the Confederacy of Independent Systems fought against the Galactic Republic. Gi and Barrek were on a mission to stop pirate activity in the Outer Rim when they learned that Barrek's first Padawan had been killed during the Battle of Geonosis. Barrek became a General in the Grand Army of the Republic and focused on the war effort. Gi, as his Padawan, followed his Master.

Tarr Seirr, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sha'a Gi prepare to face Grievous on Hypori.

Gi and Barrek continued gathering intelligence in the Outer Rim Territories, and soon after the war began, they discovered a droid foundry run by the Confederacy on Hypori in the Ferra sector. Gi and Barrek reported this, and the Jedi High Council sent a group of Jedi and clone troopers to the planet. The Confederacy countered the arrival of the task force by using orbital mines to destroy all the incoming transport craft, causing them to crash behind enemy lines. Most of the clone troopers died in the crashes, and the survivors were killed by droid fire. Gi and Barrek met up with the Jedi assigned to the mission: Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and K'Kruhk, and Knights Aayla Secura and Tarr Seirr. The Jedi sought refuge in the wreckage of an Acclamator-class assault ship and were surrounded by droids led by General Grievous, the cyborg who was the Supreme Commander of the Confederacy's Droid Army.


General Grievous killed Sha'a Gi by landing on him from above.

During the intense battle, Master Barrek managed to contact Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had recently taken the planet Muunilinst for the Republic. Barrek told his fellow General about the situation on Hypori before Grievous killed him. Without Master Barrek, Gi started to lose his composure as his fear and self-doubt took over. From inside the wreckage, the Jedi could hear Grievous approaching, and Gi was clearly nervous because of the sound and the fact that they couldn't see the cyborg general. As the Jedi waited for Grievous to attack, Gi panicked and ran out of the wreckage into the open. Grievous appeared above Gi, landing on the young Padawan. Grievous's claws pierced the young Jedi, and he was crushed to death by the general's weight. Grievous then fought the other Jedi, killing Tarr Seirr and injuring the others. The Muunilinst 10, an elite squad of ARC troopers sent from Muunilinst, eventually rescued the survivors.

Personality and traits

Sha'a Gi succumbs to his fear.

Sha'a Gi was a Human male with brown hair, black eyes, and light skin. He was 1.85 meters tall. Gi was awkward and lacked confidence, finding it difficult to maintain the mental discipline required of Jedi. He struggled to control his fear, especially when he was alone. However, Master Barrek's presence was enough to calm him, and they worked well together. When Barrek was killed by General Grievous on Hypori, Gi allowed his fear to overwhelm him, leading to his death at the hands of the cyborg General.

Powers and abilities

Sha'a Gi was a young Padawan in training to become a Knight. He was trained to use a lightsaber, but he was not as skilled in martial arts and combat as other Padawans of his level.


Sha'a Gi used a green lightsaber and wore Jedi robes. As a Padawan, Gi still had the traditional braid in his hair.

Behind the scenes

Sha'a Gi was voiced by John DiMaggio.

Genndy Tartakovsky, the director, said in the audio commentary on the Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume One DVD that the Human Jedi in Chapter 20 was inspired by Shaggy Rogers from the Scooby-Doo cartoons. This resulted in a similar appearance to that character. Tartakovsky initially wanted the Jedi to have a high-pitched voice like Shaggy, but he realized it didn't fit and was "too goofy." The character was simply listed as "Padawan" in the end credits of the Clone Wars Volume One DVD, but later gave him the name "Sha'a Gi" when they added him to their Databank. John DiMaggio voiced Sha'a Gi in his only appearance in the Clone Wars cartoon.

Gi appeared as a "hero unit" defending Hypori for the Galactic Republic in the turn-based strategy game Star Wars: Battle for the Republic, which THQ Wireless released for cell phones in November 2005.

