
Onkya, a Jedi youngling of the Mon Calamari species, was a member of the Jedi Order. He managed to survive the horrors of Order 66 alongside K'Kruhk and Chase Piru.


The Clone Wars Era

As a Mon Calamari, Onkya belonged to the Soaring Hawkbat Clan. This group was located at the Jedi chapter house on Bogden 3. They were waiting for transport back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but a battle had delayed their travel. When masters K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel showed up with clone troopers, Order 66 was initiated. Several younglings were killed as Du Mahn fought to protect them. K'Kruhk and Piru managed to escape with nine younglings to a place unknown. Two months later, Onkya was living in exile with the group of younglings being taught by K'Kruhk.

The Great Jedi Purge

Onkya was there when Lumbra and his group found the youngling's camp. Lumbra decided to take a piece from their broken ship that they needed. Seddwia, another youngling, jumped at him when he approached the ship, telling him to leave it alone. Lumbra grabbed Seddwia by the arm and pulled her away, starting a fight. Chase Piru jumped in to save her, but was shot and thought to be dead. When Lumbra realized they were Jedi younglings, they were chained up and about to be handed over to the Empire.

K'Kruhk freed the younglings, briefly giving in to behavior not befitting a Jedi. With Chase Piru's help, he used arrows to take down Lumbra's men. K'Kruhk's lightsaber ended the lives of Lumbra and his shipmate, Callow.

Life on Arkinnea

Onkya and the other members of the Soaring Hawkbat Clan made their way to Arkinnea. He was put into a refugee camp as he waited to be resettled in the open lands. He witnessed K'Kruhk stop a fight between two other refugees. He overheard a refugee talking to Piru about the situation in the camp. Later that night, he was in the tent when Master Zao was making soup for dinner. Onkya happily accepted a bowl of soup. After they ate, he watched Zao teach the younglings their lesson for the day. The Jedi Master tossed three spice berries in the air, caught two, and ate one. Onkya correctly stated that Zao ate the green spice berry.

Zao gives Onkya a bowl of soup.

Zao sensed danger in the camp, so Onkya and the other younglings left under the cover of darkness with the Jedi masters. Once they were out in the countryside, Onkya helped the others gather fruit. The clan moved further away from the refugee camp in a repulsorcart that K'Kruhk had stolen, and Onkya took a nap in the back. Later, he was with the others as they raced Piru up a mountain path. When they reached the top, Onkya saw the destroyed remains of a large group of refugees. Onkya questioned why the Arkinnea Militia would kill refugees from the Republic. Soon after, Onkya and the others saw an Arkinnea ore carrier drop its load of refugees. When the militia saw the clan, Onkya and the other younglings were put into the repulsorcart and pushed down the mountain toward the forest. The vehicle crashed into a tree in the forest, and Onkya was thrown out. He ran deeper into the forest with the others. He was there when they were confronted by a group of Yunu.

As the soldiers started shooting, Zao used a boulder to block their fire and told Onkya and the others to run. The padawan ran a short distance, but came back with the others when the shooting stopped. Onkya went with the Yunu to a safe location. He greeted K'Kruhk when the Jedi Master finally caught up with the group. Onkya settled in and continued learning the ways of the Jedi.

