416th Star Corps

The 416th Star Corps comprised a corps of clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, which pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, these troopers served under the direction of Jedi General K'Kruhk. Early in the conflict, the 416th's clone troopers were involved in the Battle of Teyr, resulting in significant losses for the unit. The Jedi General of the corps vanished after the battle, due to the high number of deaths he had caused.


Jedi General K'Kruhk leaps off of a 416th swamp speeder.

The 416th Star Corps was a corps consisting of 36,864 clone troopers, in addition to support staff, and functioned as part of a Sector Armies of the Grand Army of the Republic's.

The 416th was led by the Whiphid Jedi General K'Kruhk and a clone marshal commander, and had four brigades reporting to it, including a battalion under the command of Clone Battalion Commander CRC-09/571. The clone troopers within the corps used the standard Phase I clone trooper armor and were armed with DC-15A blaster rifle weaponry. The corps also used at least one Infantry Support Platform speeder.


The Clone Wars

Following the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Jedi Master K'Kruhk assumed command of the 416th Star Corps during the Clone Wars, a conflict spanning the inter-galactic sphere between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During one instance in the war, the Jedi jumped from a swamp speeder, piloted by a pair of clone troopers, while his green-bladed lightsaber was activated.

Battle of Teyr

The 416th Star Corps participated in the Battle of Teyr in 22 BBY, a conflict against the Confederacy's battle droid forces on the Colonies planet of Teyr.

The 416th fought during the Battle of Teyr, which resulted in the death of many of the corps' clone troopers.

The General led his forces, including one of the 416th's battalions, from the front lines. As the battle worsened, the Whiphid considered calling off the battle and retreating to save the lives of his soldiers. However, after a clone trooper persuaded him to stay, K'Kruhk decided to continue fighting. The clone trooper stated that they could still achieve the mission's objectives and that their lives were insignificant in the grand scheme of things and could be sacrificed for the Galactic Republic's victory on the planet.

Despite K'Kruhk's efforts, the Jedi Order member still oversaw heavy losses. As a consequence of his actions, and the conflicting ideologies of leading living beings to their deaths as a member of the Jedi Order, who was supposed to preserve life, Jedi Master K'Kruhk vanished without explanation after the battle. He reappeared later that year for a meeting with other Jedi who were troubled by the war on the Outer Rim moon of Ruul. K'Kruhk told Jedi Master Mace Windu about his ideological conflicts regarding the war and the Jedi Order, his experience on Teyr, and his leadership of the 416th Star Corps.

Behind the scenes

The 416th Star Corps made its debut, although unnamed, in Jedi: Mace Windu, a comic book from 2003 authored by John Ostrander. The corps was later identified in the 2009 The Clone Wars Campaign Guide, a hardcover supplement for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Saga Edition roleplaying game.

