Clone battalion commander

Battalion commander for clones, or clone battalion commander, represented the lowest rank of the four military ranks a clone trooper commander could achieve within the Grand Army of the Republic. The other three possible ranks were clone regimental commander, senior clone commander, and clone marshal commander. These battalion commanders were responsible for leading battalions composed of clone troopers, specifically 576 clones, with assistance from a clone major. Early in the Clone Wars, which pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, these commanders were recognized by yellow markings on their Phase I clone trooper armor.

Within the Order of Battle of the Grand Army of the Republic, clone battalion commanders answered to clone regimental commanders, while clone majors reported to the battalion commanders. CRC-09/571 held the position of battalion commander during both the First Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Teyr, prior to his advancement to the rank of clone regimental commander.

Behind the scenes

The character of a clone battalion commander initially appeared, though without explicit identification, in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a 2002 movie that was both written and directed by George Lucas. Later, in Shatterpoint, a 2003 novel authored by Matthew Stover, this clone was named CRC-09/571, and it was stated that he held the rank of battalion commander during the events of the film.

