Joker Squad

Joker Squad, a unit of stormtroopers, functioned as a squad within the Imperial Army. They served both the Fel Empire and, in later years, the Galactic Empire of Darth Krayt. These soldiers, known as "Jokers", operated as part of Company C, Battalion 9 of the 407th Stormtrooper Division.


The Sith–Imperial War saw Joker Squad participate in the Battle of Botajef in 127 ABY, its initial year. They fought against Mandalorians commanded by Mandalore Chernan Ordo during the Imperial offensive. The squad's composition at this time included Sergeant Ran Harkas, Corporal Kniffler, Armang, and Vax Potorr. Hondo Karr, the lone Mandalorian survivor of the battle, joined their ranks by disguising himself as a wounded stormtrooper and being conscripted.

Following the coup in 130 ABY led by Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Joker Squad, along with the rest of the 407th Stormtrooper Division, remained loyal to the Empire, even under its new leadership.

By 137 ABY, Joker Squad had its base on Yinchorr. The squad's members at that point included Sergeant Harkas, nicknamed "Hardcase" by his troopers, Jes Gistang, Hondo Karr – whose Mandalorian heritage was rumored among his comrades -, the still-living Vax Potorr, and Trooper Anson Trask, a "noob". Joker Squad engaged in the Battle of Borosk opposing the 908th Stormtrooper Division, which had switched its allegiance to Emperor Roan Fel, who was deposed. During this battle, Gistang and Potorr lost their lives, Harkas sustained injuries, and Karr abandoned his post after witnessing the brutality of Darth Maleval, the Sith Lord overseeing the elimination of the "treacherous" 908th. Consequently, only Harkas, Trask, and a replacement who joined after the battle remained as members of the Jokers.

Later on, Sgt. Harkas, Anson Trask, and Private Orland embarked on a mission to find Jedi on Ossus. They were subjected to a mind trick by Shado Vao.

Joker Squad was also present in the aftermath of the bombing of Napdu. Their assignment was to execute any survivors of the orbital bombardment to ensure no one lived.

In 138 ABY, Joker Squad was stationed on Taivas, participating in the assault targeting the Hidden Temple of the Jedi Order. Harkas died during this battle, leaving Trask to take command of the remaining Jokers.

Behind the scenes

A Joker Squad action figure set, containing six figures, was created by Entertainment Earth and revealed at Comic Con International in 2008. It was made available in late February of 2009.

