Serving as a Private, Orland was a member of the stormtrooper corps within Joker Squad. This squadron fought for the Galactic Empire of Darth Krayt around the year 137 ABY. Orland accompanied the other Jokers on a mission to the planet Ossus, where they were tasked with locating Jedi refugees hiding within the long-abandoned Jedi Temple. After an unsuccessful search, with all Jokers reporting negative findings, they returned to their Star Destroyer in orbit, believing the temple to be deserted. Despite this, the Sith Lord Darth Stryfe gave the order for the temple to be destroyed.
During the Second Imperial Civil War, Orland served as a stormtrooper in the service of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. In the year 137 ABY, Orland held the rank of private within Joker Squad, a combat squadron belonging to the Empire's 407th Stormtrooper Division and under the command of Sergeant Ran Harkas. During that year, the Jokers became part of an Imperial force under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Stryfe, dispatched to the planet Ossus with the mission of searching the planet's former Jedi Temple. Although the temple was widely thought to be abandoned after an attack by Darth Krayt's One Sith seven years previously, Stryfe suspected it was harboring surviving Jedi.
While Stryfe remained aboard a Star Destroyer in orbit around Ossus, Orland and the rest of Joker Squad searched the temple and the surrounding area on the planet's surface. Orland's search yielded nothing, and he reported this to Harkas, who reminded the Private that Stryfe expected a thorough search. Elsewhere, Corporal Anson Trask and another trooper discovered a hidden group of Jedi in a sub-basement within the temple, but the Jedi Knight Shado Vao used a mind trick to influence their minds, convincing them that the temple was indeed abandoned. Satisfied with their search, Joker Squad returned to the Star Destroyer and reported their lack of findings. However, Stryfe, remaining unconvinced, ordered an orbital bombardment to destroy the temple.
Like his fellow members of Joker Squad, Orland wore standard stormtrooper armor and carried an ARC-9965 blaster rifle. The Private doubted that any Jedi would be found on Ossus, but he was also unwilling to conduct a less-than-thorough search, fearing the resulting anger of Darth Stryfe.
Orland makes an appearance in the seventeenth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. This issue, written by John Ostrander and with art by Jan Duursema, was released in October of 2007. In the sixteenth issue of Legacy, an unnamed stormtrooper is seen with Ran Harkas and Anson Trask on Ossus, but it is not certain whether this trooper is Orland or another member of Joker Squad.