Chernan Ordo, a humanoid Mandalorian, achieved the rank of Mand'alor. During the Sith–Imperial War, the Galactic Alliance hired Ordo to mount a defense of the planet Botajef against an attack that was imminent from the Fel Empire's military. The plan was for Ordo to hold the line until the Alliance's naval forces arrived to push back the Imperials. But, the Alliance fleet was a no-show; Ordo and his Mandalorian warriors were killed after being overwhelmed. Yaga Auchs, another Mandalorian, betrayed Ordo by sabotaging their communications, then seized the title of Mand'alor and pulled the Mandalorians out of the war.

Chernan Ordo, a humanoid Mandalorian, had risen to the position of Mand'alor, a title indicating supreme command over all Mandalorian clans, by 127 ABY. In that year, the Fel Empire initiated hostilities against the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Later that year, the Alliance hired Ordo to defend the planet of Botajef from the Imperial military until the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet could arrive to provide assistance.
During the subsequent conflict on Botajef, Ordo's Mandalorian forces were starting to be overwhelmed by the numerically superior Imperials, including stormtroopers and AT-AR walkers. When the Alliance fleet failed to materialize, Ordo tasked the Mandalorian Hondo Karr with checking their communications array and finding another Mandalorian, Yaga Auchs. Karr located Auchs, who murdered the Mandalorian monitoring communications and destroyed the tower for a third party who wanted the Mandalorians to remain uninvolved. Eventually, Ordo was killed and the Mandalorian forces were defeated because of Auchs' sabotage and disloyalty. Auchs then stole Ordo's title of Mandalore and removed the Mandalorians from the Sith–Imperial War.
Chernan Ordo was a capable Mandalorian, proven by his claim to the title of Mand'alor, which signified his status as supreme leader of the Mandalorian clans. After agreeing to accept payment from the Galactic Alliance to defend Botajef, Ordo came to see the Alliance as untrustworthy and cowardly when their fleet never arrived to help. The Mand'alor also realized that although his fighters were better, the Imperials had the advantage in sheer numbers. Ordo wore Mandalorian armor painted in green, gray, and yellow, and he used a blaster pistol in battle.
Chernan Ordo's first appearance was in the Star Wars: Legacy comics, specifically in the forty-first issue, titled Rogue's End. Ordo's depiction was by Kajo Baldisimo, and the issue's story was by John Ostrander.