Unidentified Snivvian Sith

A Snivvian Sith, secretly a member of the One Sith following Darth Krayt's demise, managed to infiltrate the government of the planet Cadomai Prime. The destruction of the Calamari system by the Sith created the need for a new, dependable trade route for Cadomai Prime by 138 ABY, which then attracted a considerable criminal presence to the devastated region. To address this, a committee of three Snivvian officials initiated talks with a delegation of Gran representatives; the undercover Sith operative was among these Snivvian negotiators. The Snivvian Sith, after a failed negotiation with the Gran, found himself facing an assault by the rogue Sith Lord Darth Wredd, who was on a mission to eliminate other Sith. Wredd won their brief, intense duel, killing the Snivvian by piercing him with his lightsaber and throwing the body at the feet of the other politicians. The politicians then understood that the Snivvian was a traitor when Wredd's actions revealed Sith tattoos of red and black on his face, which had been hidden beneath his brown fur.

