The brief confrontation known as the Duel on Bastion occurred between Roan Fel, the Emperor of the Fel Empire, and Darth Kruhl, a Sith Lord sent by Darth Maladi with the mission to kill Fel. The duel concluded with Kruhl's death, unexpectedly caused by Roan Fel's concealed blaster pistol.
Darth Maladi had recently discovered that [Roan Fel](/article/roan_fel], the previous leader of the Fel Dynasty, had regained control of the planet Bastion and reclaimed his position. Maladi realized that a direct attack on the well-defended planet would not only overextend the Sith fleet loyal to the Empire, but also risk defections if the fleet learned they were targeting the former Emperor Fel. However, Fel's resistance hinged on his continued existence. Considering these factors, Maladi dispatched Darth Kruhl, her assassin, to Bastion with the secret objective of eliminating Roan Fel. Lady Maladi created a scheme to enable Lord Kruhl to sneak into Bastion, using the defection of Governor Vikar Dorn and the entire crew of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Dauntless as a deceptive maneuver.
With Dorn permitted to land, Darth Kruhl managed to infiltrate the Pellaeon Gardens, where Emperor Fel was in a meditative state. Kruhl, assuming he possessed the advantage of surprise, was taken aback by Fel, who had detected his presence through the Force and swiftly responded with a lightsaber. When Kruhl attempted to strike Fel with his own weapon, it made contact with the Emperor's cortosis gauntlet, causing Kruhl's lightsaber to malfunction. Kruhl then unleashed a torrent of Force lightning at Fel, who successfully deflected it with his lightsaber. Ultimately, Kruhl employed Telekinesis against Fel, hurling trees from the garden at him. The confrontation then devolved into hand-to-hand combat, but Fel quickly produced a concealed blaster and fatally shot Kruhl. Before the Sith Lord's demise, Fel demanded Kruhl's surrender, emphasizing that even if he succeeded in killing him, he would not escape Bastion alive. Antares Draco hurried into the gardens, having also sensed Kruhl's presence. Fel assured Draco that he was unharmed and instructed him to bring Governor Dorn to him.

Following the duel and Lord Kruhl's death, Emperor Fel ordered Vikar Dorn to instruct the Dauntless crew to disembark for "debriefing." However, once the crew had assembled, Fel commanded their execution, sparing only Dorn. He was then placed in an escape pod near ships loyal to the Imperial Sith, taking Kruhl's lightsaber with him. Dorn was transported to Coruscant, having revealed no details of the assassination attempt. However, he was executed by Lady Maladi after he recounted the events leading to Lord Kruhl's death.
While Emperor Darth Krayt criticized Maladi for her failure, she expressed her confidence to Krayt that another opportunity to assassinate Fel would arise, this time from within Fel's own ranks. Nevertheless, Krayt rebuked her, reminding Maladi to maintain focus on both her objective and his desires.
Darth Maladi's prediction would eventually come true a year later when Fel was killed by one of his own Imperial Knights, Draco himself, to prevent him from launching Omega Red he acquired from her after he fell into the dark side.