Jor Torlin was a male Human operative in the service of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire's Sith Intelligence and Assassination division during the Second Imperial Civil War. Growing up on the Sith homeworld of Korriban, he initially underwent training as a Sith, but his insufficient Force-sensitivity prevented him from continuing down that path. Instead, Torlin became a Sith spy and ultimately became known as one of the most skilled agents within the intelligence arm of the One Sith, which was under the command of Sith Lady Darth Maladi.
In the year 137 ABY, Torlin received the assignment to track down the former Jedi named Cade Skywalker. After his meeting with the Chadra-Fan informant Haako on the Wheel space station, Torlin crossed paths with Morrigan Corde, a retired Imperial Intelligence agent who had been brought back into service by Moff Nyna Calixte to aid in the search for Skywalker. Together, the two agents discovered that Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi and Imperial Captain Mingo Bovark, a loyalist to the exiled Emperor Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile, were in negotiations for a possible alliance. Torlin and Corde successfully sabotaged the meeting, ensuring the two factions remained at odds. Following this, they journeyed to the planet Ossus in their continued pursuit of Skywalker. Distrustful of Corde, Torlin attempted to kill her in the jungles of Ossus. However, Corde then triggered a micro-ampule filled with a nerve toxin that she had implanted while he was unconscious aboard his starship, the Raider, leaving Torlin to meet his end as she seized the Raider and departed from Ossus.

Born a Human male in the decades leading up to the Sith–Imperial War between the Fel Empire, headed by Emperor Roan Fel, and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Jor Torlin's youth was spent on Korriban, the Sith homeworld and the base of operations for Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt's One Sith Order. He underwent training in their doctrines, but it became apparent that he lacked the necessary Force-sensitivity to truly become a Sith. He accepted a position as a Sith operative, utilizing his limited knowledge of the dark side of the Force to aid him in his assignments. Prior to the Sith revealing their alliance with Emperor Fel's Empire one year into the Sith–Imperial War, Torlin carried out missions for them in the galaxy.
Following the defeat of the Galactic Alliance and Darth Krayt's overthrow of Roan Fel in 130 ABY, Torlin remained in service to the new Sith Empire, working as a bounty hunter and locating individuals in various locations, including Nar Shaddaa and the Wheel, a space station situated in the Besh Gorgon system within the Mid Rim. Upon finding his targets, Torlin would typically relay the intel to his superiors, most often Sith Lady Darth Maladi, who was in charge of Sith Intelligence and Assassination. Throughout his career, Torlin occasionally made use of the surveillance services provided by the Chadra-Fan informant Haako, who resided on the Wheel.
At some point during his career, Torlin obtained the Raider, a Gladius-class light freighter, using the ship on his missions for the Sith. By 137 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War, when Maladi had replaced the majority of Imperial Intelligence agents with her own, Torlin was considered Maladi's most prominent operative.
In 137 ABY, Darth Maladi tasked Torlin with finding the former Jedi Cade Skywalker on behalf of Darth Krayt. Krayt sought to utilize Skywalker's abilities with the Force in order to heal himself of the Yorik-Kul seeds that had been implanted in his body by the Yuuzhan Vong over a century prior, which threatened to consume the Dark Lord's body and mind. Haako contacted Torlin, informing him that Skywalker was aboard the Wheel. Torlin instructed Haako to track Skywalker on the station. By the time Torlin met with the Chadra-Fan to confirm that he had indeed seen Skywalker, the former Jedi had already departed. After instructing Haako to uncover Skywalker's location and the identities of his companions, Torlin was confronted by a group of ruffians. He attacked their leader and engaged the group in combat, only to be struck on the head with a metal object. At that moment, Morrigan Corde, the formerly retired Imperial Intelligence spy who had been reactivated by Moff Nyna Calixte to assist in locating Skywalker, appeared and helped Torlin fight off the thugs. After they fled from the two Imperial agents, Torlin attacked Corde, who had orchestrated the confrontation between Torlin and the thugs in order to make contact with Torlin. During the struggle, Corde used the knockout gas contained in her left arm gauntlet to disable Torlin and carried the Sith spy back to his ship. After the security forces aboard the Wheel allowed Corde aboard Torlin's ship, Corde inserted a micro-ampule containing a nerve toxin into Torlin's body, which she could activate in case Torlin attempted to kill her again.

Torlin awoke aboard the vessel, strapped to a seat by Corde, who introduced herself and threatened to kill him. After he called her bluff, she released him, and the two began discussing Skywalker's possible location. Corde brought the presence of two ships belonging to Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi and Fel-Imperial Captain Mingo Bovark, respectively, to Torlin's attention. Torlin and Corde concluded that the two leaders were discussing a potential alliance between the Galactic Alliance Remnant and Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile, and they collaborated to devise a plan to disrupt the negotiations by exploiting the two sides' mutual suspicions. Torlin launched all six of his Command Override Limpet Droids—devices which magnetically attached to a ship and enabled him to take control of the on-board computers—which all successfully attached to Bovark's shuttle. Torlin then took control of one of the ship's turbolasers, and fired on the Galactic Alliance starship. In the ensuing chaos, Admiral Stazi attacked Captain Bovark, who had to be rescued by the two Imperial Knights accompanying him. After successfully sabotaging the negotiations, Torlin caused the C.O.L.D. devices to detach from Bovark's ship and departed the Wheel with Corde aboard the Raider.
Upon arriving in orbit around the planet Ossus, which housed the ruins of the Jedi Academy, Torlin scanned for heat signatures and discovered one in the jungles near the ruins. Despite Corde's suggestion that they search for Skywalker on the neutral planet of Hapes, Torlin landed the Raider a few kilometers from the ruins. After Torlin and Corde disembarked the Raider, Torlin turned against Corde and opened fire on her with his heavy blaster rifle. He pursued her as she retreated, eventually finding her near a boulder. As he aimed to kill her, he began to feel the effects of the poison from the micro-ampule, which she had released when he began firing at her. As he lay dying, Corde explained what was happening to him and produced a holoprojector displaying an image from her past as the wife of Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and mother of Torlin's target, Cade Skywalker. She then left Torlin to his death, taking the Raider and leaving Ossus.

Jor Torlin was a fair-skinned Human male with wavy brown hair and blue eyes. Despite his lack of sufficient sensitivity with the Force to be a true Sith, Torlin was devoted to the Sith cause and adhered to their values as an agent of Sith Intelligence. His skills as an agent led to him being regarded as Darth Maladi's foremost operative in 137 ABY. Despite his devotion, he still accepted payment from the Sith for his services. He occasionally sought the services of the Chadra-Fan informant Haako, whose information and scouting abilities he utilized throughout his career as a Sith operative. Torlin was capable of handling himself in challenging combat situations, and he expressed displeasure after Morrigan Corde assisted in dispatching a gang of miscreants aboard the Wheel. He harbored mistrust towards Corde, which prompted him to attack her twice. He was indifferent to whether she was an ally, believing her death was preferable to risking her becoming an enemy. Torlin's possessions included the Gladius-class light freighter Raider, a comlink, a datapad, and multiple Command Override Limpet Droids. He was fluent in Basic, and he wielded a heavy blaster rifle in combat.
Jor Torlin was created by John Ostrander, the writer of the Star Wars: Legacy comics, for the series' Trust Issues story arc. He was drawn by Colin Wilson in the arc's two issues. Torlin later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. His surname was spelled as both "Tolin" and "Torlin" in Trust Issues, Part 1; however, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia confirmed that the latter was the correct spelling.