Gladius-class light freighter

The Gladius-class light freighter was known for its streamlined design, high speed, and excellent maneuverability. It served as a scout ship or system patrol vessel for defense forces and Sector Rangers.


The rear of a Gladius-class light freighter.

Featuring a rounded, flattened vertical structure combined with sleek, curving contours, the Gladius-class freighter also boasted a circular cockpit design, facilitating effortless movement between crew stations. While equipped with a formidable quad laser cannon, its defensive capabilities were insufficient to repel assaults from pirates and other lawbreakers. However, its rapid hyperdrive system enabled these ships to outrun the majority of pursuers and reach secure locations.


An agreement between Kuat Drive Yards and Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire permitted Kuat Systems Engineering to produce these ships, circumventing Imperial regulations in return for advantageous manufacturing contracts for Imperial ships. Sector Rangers employed Gladius-class freighters for extended reconnaissance missions. Furthermore, bounty hunters favored it due to its velocity, weaponry, and ease of operation. Jor Torlin, an operative of Sith Intelligence and Assassination, possessed a Gladius named the Raider.

