During the Second Imperial Civil War, a Chadra-Fan male named Haako operated as both an informant and scout. Residing on the Wheel space station for a significant time, he did not commit to any specific group, instead offering his services to anyone willing to pay him in credits. In 137 ABY, he passed along information to Jor Torlin, an agent working for Sith Intelligence and Assassination, confirming that the former Jedi, Cade Skywalker, was present on the space station. Subsequently, Haako utilized his network of contacts to try and pinpoint Skywalker's exact location, following Torlin's orders.

Sometime before the conclusion of the Sith–Imperial War, a Chadra-Fan male was born, and he was named Haako. Following the final battle of the war in 130 ABY, Haako established his home on the Wheel, a sizable space station that was situated in the Besh Gorgon system within the Mid Rim. During this time, he sustained himself by working as an informant and scout for various individuals, always prepared to trade information for credits. The Sith agent Jor Torlin, previously a Sith adept within the intelligence division of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, occasionally made use of Haako's services.
Seven years later, amidst the Second Imperial Civil War, Haako contacted Torlin to report that Cade Skywalker, the former Jedi turned bounty hunter sought by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt, was present on the Wheel. Torlin instructed the Chadra-Fan to monitor Skywalker's movements. However, Skywalker departed the station, and Haako was unable to determine the bounty hunter's destination. Haako then met with Torlin, who presented the Chadra-Fan with a flimsiplast image of Skywalker to confirm the individual's identity. After Haako confirmed the identification, he left Torlin, having been instructed to continue searching for Skywalker's location and to determine if he had been seen with any companions. Haako then deployed his network of informants in an attempt to locate Skywalker.
Haako was a highly motivated individual whose loyalty could be bought, contingent on the number of credits a potential employer offered. He made certain to stay informed about the individuals visiting the Wheel, always looking to use his information as a potential source of revenue. He possessed the ability to speak and comprehend both Basic and Chadra-Fan. His physical characteristics included Brown hair and red eyes.
Haako carried a hold-out blaster pistol, a comlink, a credit chip, and a datapad.
Haako's initial appearance occurred in the ninth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. John Ostrander wrote the issue, Colin Wilson provided the illustrations, and it was released on March 7, 2007.