Pol Temm

Pol Temm, a Kel Dor male, held the position of administrator for the Wheel as of 137 ABY. He spent the majority of his life on the station, progressing through various roles, from a casino bouncer to the head of station security. Following the assassination of his predecessor by pirates during the Sith–Imperial War, he enacted a carefully crafted plan to seize ownership of the station. Temm's policy on the Wheel was strict neutrality: any weapons or fighting would result in the offender being ejected into space.

Temm observed the meeting between Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet and Captain Mingo Bovark representing Roan Fel's faction of the new Galactic Empire.

After agents Morrigan Corde and Jor Torlin sabotaged the meeting, making it seem as though the Imperial ship attacked the Galactic Alliance ship, Temm responded by prohibiting all ships belonging to Fel's empire from entering the station.

By 138 ABY, Pol Temm vanished after attempting to use an old Defender-class Star Destroyer to uphold his "no weapons" rule against a group of Mandalorian Supremacists. Attatag Gosem succeeded him and chose not to enforce Temm's "no weapons" rule on the Wheel.

