Duel in the Temple of the Sith

The confrontation known as the Duel in the Temple of the Sith transpired after Cade Skywalker made his way to Coruscant. Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, sensed the Jedi's arrival. With great self-assurance, Cade gained access to the Temple via the lower levels, freeing the Bothan Jedi healer Hosk Trey'lis. However, Darth Talon, the Sith Lord and Hand of Emperor Krayt, was lying in wait near a long pool containing a massive dianoga. She blocked their path, incapacitated Hosk using a Force push, and then fought Cade. During a clash of blades, she disclosed that both Jedi were to be taken alive, which enraged him and ignited the dark side within the young Jedi. Unexpectedly, he managed to disarm her and corner her. However, without either duelist knowing, Darth Nihl, Talon's fellow Hand, was observing the fight, even though the Dread Lord had not assigned him to this task. He intervened, using a Force choke on Cade and knocking him out. Despite her seemingly imminent defeat, Darth Talon resented Nihl's interference. She stopped Nihl from killing her captive, but he proceeded to inform their master about Cade's capture, while Darth Maladi tortured him. Subsequently, in the presence of the ever-loyal Talon and Darth Wyyrlok, Darth Krayt revealed his true identity to Cade.

