Legacy (2006) 8

Allies: Legacy 8 represents the eighth installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga.

Synopsis from the Publisher

The inaugural issue of Legacy disclosed details surrounding the assault on the Jedi Academy situated on Ossus, as well as the treachery of Darth Krayt and the Sith against Emperor Roan Fel. Now, the inner workings and clandestine partnerships that fueled these events are about to be uncovered.

Grand Moff Nyna Calixte oversees the Empire's intelligence operations. Similarly, Darth Maladi manages intelligence for the Sith. If they were to collaborate, they could potentially become an unparalleled force, capable of influencing the galaxy's destiny. However, that is contingent on them not annihilating each other beforehand!

From the ambush targeting the Galactic Alliance's fleet to Roan Fel's close call with assassination, the authentic narrative of the Sith's takeover of the Empire is finally unveiled!

  • _This represents the future timeline of _ Star Wars , extending the narrative that began with the original trilogy, presenting entirely new and unseen events.

  • Adam DeKraker, known for his work on Supergirl, makes his initial contribution to the _ Star Wars _ universe!

Storyline Synopsis

Production Notes

As revealed in the prior edition, this issue featured the series' debut letters column.

