Unidentified Sith trooper (Taivas)

This Sith trooper was a member of the army that Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the One Sith, secretly amassed in 138 ABY. This soldier, a Force-attuned sentient being, had undergone a cybernetics grafting process from their early years to physically enhance them for battle and mold them into an absolutely devoted servant.

Unidentified Sith trooper The trooper attacks Cade Skywalker. This particular trooper, along with others of his kind, participated in the attack on the Hidden Temple located on Taivas during 138 ABY. While Krayt's adversaries were busy fighting off the Imperial Army, the Dread Lord unleashed his covert Sith trooper army. This action shifted the battle in Krayt's favor, resulting in the destruction of a significant portion of the Empire's ground assault forces. Following the demise of Nat Skywalker, his nephew, Cade, succumbed to his rage and launched a series of brutal attacks against the Sith troopers. Cade was on the verge of killing this specific trooper, but his mother, Morrigan Corde, persuaded him to spare the trooper's life to enable further research into Krayt's newest weapon.

The trooper was then transported to Bastion, where an Imperial doctor conducted an examination. The investigation revealed that the trooper's armor was fully integrated into his body, and he could directly connect to his Annihilator fighter via ports located at the ends of his cybernetic implants. The trooper ultimately died from his injuries three days post-capture.

