Rawk V99 blaster

The Rawk V99 blaster was a type of blaster. Its creation is attributed to the mechanic "Bantha" Rawk, and his esteemed reputation significantly contributed to the weapon's perceived value. In the year 138 ABY, amidst the turmoil of the Second Galactic Civil War, Cade Skywalker, Rawk's nephew, found himself in possession of a substantial quantity of these blasters, specifically fifty cases. During a journey to the planet Utapau, Skywalker aimed to eliminate the Sith scientist Vul Isen, who himself was plotting to terminate Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi. Upon meeting with Stazi, Skywalker's crew proposed a sale of the blasters. As Skywalker was engaged in the pursuit of Isen, his crew engaged in pricing discussions with Stazi, all the while remaining vigilant for potential assassins targeting the Admiral.


The Rawk V99 blaster represents a specific model of blaster weaponry. It was conceived by "Bantha" Rawk, a mechanic who operated a business focused on crafting and modifying weapons for individuals seeking dependable armaments. The weapon benefited from Rawk's positive standing when offered for sale, and its cost was subject to negotiation when traded on the black market.


R2-D2 displays the "Rawk signal" to Ona Antilles as proof of the legitimacy of the Mynock's Rawk V99 blasters.

During the Second Imperial Civil War in 138 ABY, Cade Skywalker, a bounty hunter and Rawk's nephew, had fifty cases of Rawk V99 blasters on his starship, the Mynock. In that specific year, he piloted the Mynock to the planet Utapau with the intention of assassinating Vul Isen, a Sith scientist who planned to poison the world's water supply as retribution for Utapau's protection of Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi, an adversary of the Sith. Upon the Mynock's arrival and reception by Alliance representatives, the ship's co-pilot Jariah Syn, mechanic Deliah Blue, and astromech droid R2-D2 informed Alliance Lieutenant Ona Antilles of their interest in selling or trading their Rawk V99 blasters to Stazi. Despite Antilles' desire to communicate directly with Skywalker, the crew's actions allowed Skywalker and Jedi Master Wolf Sazen to discreetly depart and pursue Isen.

A holographic representation of Rawk's logo projected by R2-D2 convinced Antilles of the weapons' authenticity and value, leading her to converse with the three crewmembers until Skywalker communicated with Syn, informing him that Isen had dispatched an assassin to target Stazi. Subsequently, Syn insisted that the Mynock's crew be granted the opportunity to negotiate the blasters' prices directly with the Admiral. Antilles conceded, and, in Stazi's presence, Syn scrutinized the Admiral's entourage for potential traitors, while Blue and R2-D2 prolonged the bargaining process to afford Syn additional time. After Syn apprehended and eliminated the assassin and Skywalker successfully slew Isen elsewhere, Blue and Stazi persisted in their haggling.

Behind the scenes

The Rawk V99 blaster receives a mention in the forty-ninth edition of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. The issue was authored by John Ostrander, illustrated by Jan Duursema, and published by Dark Horse Comics on June 30, 2010.

