Paradise (cantina)

Paradise, a lavish drinking establishment, was situated on the world of Zeltros. It belonged to the affluent Hutt known as Queen Jool.


Due to the shortage of legitimate provisions during the Second Imperial Civil War, Jool's earnings had increased, prompting her to broaden her enterprise, beginning on Zeltros. Many attractive Zeltron men and women became frequent customers of the cantina, as did Jool herself.

In accordance with its name, the cantina was designed as a verdant, oasis-like "paradise," featuring abundant greenery, an indoor/outdoor bar area, and a poolside cabana and relaxation zone. The large natural pool was perpetually filled and purified by the enormous, 100-foot-tall waterfalls that continuously supplied water to the oasis. Daring and athletic Zeltrons, along with members of various other species, would occasionally leap from the summit of the waterfalls into the pool below, an act that often turned into a competition, particularly among males. However, the multi-story dive remained a perilous activity, especially for the average Human to attempt. Nonetheless, Cade Skywalker and Jariah Syn performed this feat, with Cade employing the Force to decelerate their descent and lessen the impact upon the water's surface. Skywalker later commented that his Master, Wolf Sazen, would execute him if he witnessed him using the Force for amusement or selfish thrill-seeking.

Rav, a space pirate, showed up at Paradise accompanied by a pair of his goons while Skywalker, Syn, and their companions were enjoying themselves. Queen Jool, who was also there, had just informed Cade that while she cared for him, his boisterous behavior in her cantina was becoming a problem, and she needed him to minimize potential damage. He complied, immediately pushing one of Rav's accomplices off the waterfall and punching the other in the neck while he was in the pool. Witnessing this, Rav proposed a mission on Wayland to Cade and his crew, offering them one million credits in payment.

