Legacy (2006) 39

Issue 39 of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, titled "Legacy 39: Tatooine, Part 3," marks the conclusion of the Star Wars: Legacy: Tatooine story arc, making it the third installment.

Synopsis Provided by the Publisher

Cade Skywalker's situation has certainly seen improvements. He's isolated from his pirate crew, stuck in a sandstorm at a derelict moisture farm (indeed, that moisture farm) alongside an Imperial operative, a Jedi spirit, and two Anzati killers. Now, all that's left to complete the picture is a visit from his own mother!

Furthermore, on Coruscant, the Sith are in the process of installing a new figurehead on the throne...

Matters of Canon

It's worth noting that while the cover art depicts Luke Skywalker wielding a green lightsaber, the lightsaber's color within the comic itself is actually blue.

