Legacy (2006) 21

title: "Legacy 21: Indomitable, Part 2"

Legacy #21: Indomitable, Part 2 marks the twenty-first installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga.

Summary from the Publisher

This is the end of a thrilling two-part story! Witness the Sith Empire and the Galactic Alliance engage in a massive space conflict!

The Sith have set a clever trap for the rogue Admiral Gar Stazi, hoping to crush the Alliance once and for all. However, Stazi is not easily fooled. He agreed to the Sith's game, but he has his own strategies! Elsewhere, forces still loyal to the ousted Emperor Roan Fel are observing. Will they offer assistance, cause harm, or simply scavenge whatever remains after the battle?

Synopsis of the Plot

Gar Stazi has flashbacks to the events at Caamas, recalling the Galactic Alliance's defeat, his acts of defiance, and his strategic retreat.

On Mon Calamari, Admiral Dru Valan questions Stazi about his intentions, asking if he plans to surrender or face death. Stazi, drawing a parallel to the situation at Caamas, declares his determination to fight. He then gives the order for his fleet to open fire upon the Outer Rim Third Fleet. The Imperials are caught off guard by the unexpected assault, and Valan commands a retaliatory strike, including fire from the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. However, the shipyards target the Imperial fleet instead of Stazi's forces, due to Monia Gahan's hacking.

Simultaneously, within the Imperious, it's revealed that the stormtroopers who reclaimed the vessel are actually Galactic Alliance soldiers under the leadership of Hondo Karr. They successfully seize control of the ship and navigate it out of the system. Meanwhile, Valan instructs his fleet to focus solely on eliminating Stazi, disregarding all other concerns.

Stazi's fleet retreats behind the shipyards, while Rogue Squadron provides aerial support against Imperial fighters. Stazi commands the remainder of his fleet to evacuate the system. As the fleet makes its escape, a direct hit from the Imperial fleet inflicts severe damage on the Indomitable. Valan repeats his demand for Stazi's surrender, but Stazi announces his intention to ram his ship into the shipyards to destroy them. As he orders the evacuation, Rogue Leader Jhoram Bey arrives on the bridge to escort the admiral to safety. Stazi refuses, insisting that Captain Jaius Yorub be rescued instead. Captain Yorub argues that Stazi is a crucial symbol of the Alliance and cannot be allowed to perish. Under Yorub's implicit orders, Bey incapacitates Stazi and removes him from the ship.

With Stazi secured, Yorub broadcasts a message to everyone, affirming that the Alliance still endures and will eventually triumph over the Sith. He then pilots the Indomitable directly into the shipyards, destroying a significant portion of them. A stunned Admiral Valan, aboard his own vessel, instructs Captain Hoge to report the situation to Darth Azard as he sees fit. Valan then retreats to his private quarters with a blaster pistol, implying that he is contemplating suicide.

Back at the Alliance fleet, efforts are underway to activate the weapon systems on the captured Imperious. Stazi promotes Jhoram Bey to the position of his second-in-command as a form of "punishment" for knocking him unconscious, and instructs him to prepare the fleet for further action. He anticipates a Sith retaliation due to the theft of the Imperious and emphasizes the need to determine the location of the impending attack.

