Legacy (2006) 18

Star Wars: Legacy, Issue #18: Claws of the Dragon, Part 5 represents the eighteenth installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga.

Official Synopsis

Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn, in an effort to liberate their comrade Cade Skywalker from the Sith's grasp, find assistance from an unexpected ally. Meanwhile, Cade, having been seized by the Sith while attempting to rescue Jedi Hosk Trey'lis, learns that Hosk has discovered his own means of escape, utilizing the Force.

The convergence of the virtuous, the malevolent, and those occupying the moral gray area is imminent, and the consequences promise to destabilize the very foundations of the Empire!

Behold the future of Star Wars, a continuation of the narrative that commenced with the original trilogy, presenting entirely novel and unseen developments.

Detailed Plot Summary

The narrative of this issue commences with Cade Skywalker undergoing torment within the Embrace of Pain. As Cade remains helplessly confined, Darth Krayt recounts the events that led to his transformation into a Sith Lord. Following his humiliation in the duel against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine, he sought refuge in the uncharted Unknown Regions. Upon his arrival, he encountered adversaries unfamiliar with the Force. His vessel fell under attack by an unidentified ship, precipitating a confrontation with this novel threat. Overwhelmed by weaponry beyond his comprehension, the future Sith Lord succumbed and lost consciousness.

Upon regaining awareness, he found himself within the Embrace of Pain, equipped with a newly grown organic arm replacing his prosthetic, and in the presence of an individual whose Force presence he could sense. Vergere elucidated his predicament, involving the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong. Sensing the darkness residing within him, Vergere foretold a future dialogue. The Yuuzhan Vong shapers subjected him to experimentation, replacing one of his eyes with that of another creature and fortifying his physique to endure their procedures. Throughout his captivity, he engaged in conversations with Vergere, who cryptically revealed her tutelage under Darth Sidious in the ways of the dark side. He experienced a vision of himself leading a new Sith order to galactic conquest. Articulating his perspectives on Darth Bane's Rule of Two and his intended modifications, the fallen Jedi A'Sharad Hett underwent a transformation, ultimately embracing the identity of Darth Krayt.

Escaping the Yuuzhan Vong shortly before their invasion, he sought sanctuary on Korriban, maintaining a low profile throughout the War and commencing his studies under XoXaan. Thus marked the genesis of the new Sith Order. Over numerous years, Darth Krayt amassed a substantial following of Sith, endeavoring to recruit Lumiya, who declined and instead devoted her time to Darth Caedus, proving instrumental in diverting the attention of the New Jedi Order from Krayt's Order.

Concluding his narrative, Krayt implores Skywalker to heal him. Cade asserts his inability to effectively concentrate for healing, but Krayt assures him that the Embrace of Pain will enhance his focus. Aboard the Mynock, the rescue team mobilizes to extract Cade from the Temple. Under the cover of darkness, Cade stealthily exits his chamber to encounter Darth Talon, who incapacitates him and presents him before Darth Krayt. Krayt reveals his awareness of Cade's scheme and his intention to transform him into a true Sith. Hosk Trey'lis is brought forth, and Krayt issues Cade an ultimatum: slay Trey'lis or face death. Cade refuses, recognizing the emptiness of Krayt's threat, as Krayt himself acknowledges his dependence on Cade for survival. However, the Bothan Jedi expresses his readiness to die, but Cade again refuses, declaring his unwillingness to allow anyone to perish for his sake. Enraged by Cade's defiance, Krayt personally terminates Trey'lis' life with a lightsaber strike, causing Trey'lis to become one with the Force. Skywalker teeters on the brink of succumbing to his anger when a vision of his father materializes, urging him to reconsider. Nevertheless, Cade yields to his rage, shattering the transparisteel case containing his father's lightsaber and initiating a battle against Darths Krayt, Nihl, and Talon. Darth Talon attempts to assault Cade, but he impales her through the abdomen, incapacitating her. A duel ensues between Nihl and Cade, with Krayt taunting Cade and imploring him to join the Sith.

Production Notes

Darth Caedus is erroneously referred to as Darth Cadeus within this issue. This error was rectified in the collected trade paperback edition.

