Star Wars (1998) 35

Star Wars issue 35 represents the thirty-fifth installment of the Legends comic book series titled Star Wars. The narrative was crafted by John Ostrander, the illustrations were provided by Jan Duursema and Ray Kryssing, and its initial release was through Dark Horse Comics on October 24, 2001. The story presented is called "Darkness Part Four of Four," and it depicts Quinlan Vos embarking on a quest to save Aayla Secura.

Summary by the Publisher

Quinlan Vos searches for his lost Padawan, Aayla. Regrettably, she's found herself in the company of unsavory characters – specifically, a vampiric dark Jedi named Karkko (note the typo: [sic]). Adding to the predicament, they're all stuck on a lawless prison world teeming with mutant vampire-like creatures. Quin's friend Villie has devised a plan to escape the planet, but it doesn't involve saving Aayla. Quin, however, refuses to abandon her. He must confront Karkko and rescue his Padawan – or face death in the attempt. Be sure not to miss the conclusion of the thrilling Darkness story arc!

Chronological Placement

The opening section of this issue declares: "The events within this series unfold 30 years before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope," which equates to 30 BBY.

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