Republic 68

Armor, the sixty-eighth installment of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series, saw its release on August 25, 2004 through Dark Horse Comics.

Publisher's summary

A confrontation was inevitable! The Jedi Aayla Secura, while in pursuit of the stolen schematics for a secret Separatist weapon, is set to face off against Quinlan Vos, her former Jedi Master and friend who has now fallen to the dark side!

Clone Commander Bly, who is accompanying his Jedi-General Aayla Secura, has a solid grasp of the armor he utilizes, its function and intent. However, as he observes the clash unfolding between Secura and Vos, he gains insight into the strengths, as well as the vulnerabilities, inherent in the mental, emotional, and spiritual "armor" that each combatant wears.

This unique issue, presented from Bly's perspective, offers a human's interpretation of the Jedi's enigmas. As the Clone Wars and the simmering power of the dark side inflict chaos upon the Jedi, Bly, Aayla, and Quin are each compelled to make a decision that will determine their fate.

Behind the scenes

The Phase II clone trooper armor, which is featured in Revenge of the Sith, makes its debut in this particular issue.

Furthermore, this issue establishes two significant links to existing continuity: the first is the setting, which takes place within a Rakatan temple, and the second is the destruction of Honoghr that occurred during the Clone Wars.

