Republic 67

title: Forever Young

This comic book, titled Forever Young, represents the 67th installment within the Star Wars: Republic comic series. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on August 4, 2004.

Synopsis Provided by the Publisher

The clone forces under General Kenobi's command are dispatched on a mission designed as a feint. Their purpose is to create a sufficient distraction for a substantial Separatist army, giving the recently promoted Jedi Knight Tohno the opportunity to secretly enter and obliterate a droid production facility. The success of this operation hinges on drawing the Separatists' focus without initiating direct conflict. However, Anakin is haunted by the memory of numerous young Jedi perishing during the ill-fated Jabiim operation, and he finds the idea of another such loss unbearable.

Is Anakin capable of prioritizing the goals of the Republic over his personal emotions, or will his misjudged acts of valor put countless lives at risk in an attempt to rescue a single individual? Furthermore, what are Master Tohno's thoughts? Does she not have the right to decide her own role in this undertaking?

