Legacy (2006) 5

title: "Legacy 5: Broken, Part 4"

Broken, Part 4: Legacy 5 represents the fifth installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series.

Publisher's summary

Amidst the chaos of battle, a secret that will shake the very foundations of the galaxy comes to light! Long-standing friendships will be tested to their limits, new and unexpected alliances will emerge, and the forces of darkness will pursue their malevolent objectives with increased intensity and resolve. In a galaxy teetering on the edge of either utter annihilation or ultimate redemption, the destinies of all will be determined by the actions of a select few individuals. The previously unseen future of Star Wars takes an unforeseen twist in this latest issue of Legacy—make sure you're there to witness it!_

Plot summary

On the world of Korriban, Darth Krayt employs Holocrons in an attempt to summon the spirits of Darth Andeddu, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Bane. His goal is to learn how to harness the Force to eliminate the Yuuzhan Vong organisms that are afflicting him. However, the three Sith Lords deny Darth Krayt's request, citing his violation of the Rule of Two. Consequently, he pledges to discover an alternative method to heal himself.

Meanwhile, on Vendaxa, Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, Deliah Blue, Marasiah Fel, and Astraal Vao are escaping to Cade's ship, known as the Mynock. They encounter an Acklay. The Acklay attempts to crush Astraal with its massive claw, but she is rescued by her brother, Shado Vao, and Jedi Master Wolf Sazen. Shado and Sazen swiftly defeat the Acklay and prepare to depart with Astraal and Marasiah. Marasiah informs Jariah and Deliah that she will not be compensating them. Suddenly, three lines of fire erupt in the distance, indicating the destruction of the Jedi's transport. Jariah and Deliah promptly double their fee for transporting Marasiah, Astraal, and the Jedi to Marasiah's father, Roan Fel. Their discussion is interrupted by the arrival of Darth Talon and several beasts under the Sith's control. Darth Talon quickly gains the advantage over both Jedi, utilizing Force lightning. However, Marasiah intercepts the lightning with her lightsaber, declaring that she will not allow another person to die. Darth Talon effortlessly Force throws Marasiah to the ground and advises her to flee. Sazen urges Cade to take Marasiah to his ship and escape, but Cade decides to stay. He uses the Force to lift a pile of debris and hurl it at Darth Talon, knocking her into the trees. The group returns to the Mynock, only to discover that its flight systems have been damaged. Cade, Jariah, and Deliah begin repairing the ship, while Sazen and Shado stand guard. Astraal sends a message to Moff Konrad Rus on Coruscant, whom she trusts, updating him on the situation. Unbeknownst to them, Darth Krayt is nearby, eavesdropping on the message. Once the transmission concludes, Darth Krayt and Moff Rus begin formulating a plan to lure Roan Fel out of hiding, using his daughter as bait.

