Dawn of the Jedi: Force War 5

Force War issue number 5 of Dawn of the Jedi: Force War represents the fifth installment within the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force War saga. It is the third miniseries story arc of the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic book series, crafted by the writers John Ostrander and Jan Duursema. Dark Horse Comics released Force War 5 on March 19, 2014. This issue serves as the concluding chapter for both the Force War story arc and the complete Dawn of the Jedi narrative.

What the Publisher Said

The Rakata, a race of extraterrestrials, are about to activate the Infinity Gate, preparing to release their Empire upon an unprepared galaxy! The Je'daii's triumph is essential in this conflict, even if it results in the destruction of their order. However, how can they achieve success when their most prominent champion has sided with the opposition?


