Republic 73

Trackdown, Part 2, the seventy-third installment of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series, saw its release on February 9, 2005 through Dark Horse Comics.

Synopsis from the Publisher

Jedi Master Tholme, aided by Aayla Secura, has discovered a Separatist scheme with the potential to significantly impact the Republic's standing in the Clone Wars—and not in a positive way!

Across the galaxy, the Anzati assassins are notorious due to their lethal craftiness and covertness. The only group to ever rival them were the Morgukai assassins, a cult that no longer exists, whose power and unwavering determination presented a serious threat, even to the Jedi. Now, surprisingly, the Morgukai have returned—in greater numbers than have been seen in centuries. Even worse, they are being trained by Anzati masters and are in the service of Count Dooku!

