Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 2, the comic book marking the seventieth installment of the Star Wars: Republic comic series, was released to the public on October 27, 2004 through Dark Horse Comics.
A group of mutineers are holding people hostage and scheming to hand over a squadron of Republic warships to the Separatist forces. Saesee Tiin is convinced that the only way to protect the Republic is to destroy the fleet, even though one of the hostages is his friend and Jedi Council colleague, Plo Koon. However, Anakin Skywalker has conceived a different strategy. This strategy relies on incredibly risky flying maneuvers, perfectly synchronized timing, and a new weapon that has not been tested - naturally, Anakin is confident that it will work!
Elsewhere, stranded on an abandoned research vessel that houses numerous dangerous animal species gathered from across the galaxy, Obi-Wan finds himself confronting his most despised adversary – with no allies to assist him!
The story includes a cameo from a figure familiar to those who enjoy the original Star Wars movies!