Legacy 15: Claws of the Dragon, Part 2 represents the fifteenth installment within the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga. Within the pages of this very issue, the true persona of Darth Krayt is brought to light.
Cade Skywalker, in a desperate attempt to rectify past misdeeds, finds himself captured by the Sith. This is a momentous occasion for Emperor Darth Krayt, who anticipates that Skywalker's unique skills will enable him to achieve his long-held ambition of regaining his former strength.
However, not all Sith Lords share their Master's confidence regarding his motivations. Furthermore, certain individuals within the Empire would prefer to see Cade eliminated rather than utilized as a mere tool of the Emperor.
Cade, for his part, is far from pleased with his current predicament. Sadly, he has alienated every potential ally who might have offered assistance. His past choices have led him to this point, and now he must either endure the consequences or face his demise.
The true identity of Darth Krayt is unveiled in this issue!
During a gathering of Moffs, they deliberate the potential influence they could wield if they were to capture Cade Skywalker. Simultaneously, Cade is undergoing torture at the hands of the Sith. He exhibits resistance to the poison administered by Darth Maladi, which impresses Darth Krayt. Krayt implores Cade to embrace the dark side, but Cade vehemently refuses. Subsequently, Krayt presents Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, revealing that they have been infected with a Vong seed. Only Cade's healing abilities can save them, forcing him to draw upon the dark power to heal them. Cade relents and agrees to allow Darth Krayt to attempt to sway him to the dark side in exchange for the release of Jariah and Deliah. Krayt consents, and they are set free. Several days later, Krayt convenes a private meeting with Cade and Talon. He unveils Kol Skywalker's lightsaber, encased within transparisteel, illustrating that the dark side does not preclude acts of pride or respect. Finally, he reveals his true identity to the two as A'Sharad Hett.