Deal with a Demon

"Deal with a Demon," a comic spanning 10 pages, is presented within the pages of Star Wars Tales #3. The narrative was crafted by John Ostrander, with visual artistry by Jan Duursema, inks by Rick Magyar, lettering by Vickie Williams, colors by Dan Jackson, and editing by Peet Janes. It has been compiled in both Star Wars Tales Volume 1 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 1.

Synopsis of the Story

Vilmarh Grahrk has been contracted by the inhabitants of Ootoola (whom he refers to affectionately as "fishfaces") to illicitly transport Princess Foolookoola away from the planet. She is being actively pursued by the purists of Ootoola, who previously murdered the patriarch and his wife, thus seizing control of the world. As he and Naradan D'ulin, the princess's guardian, begin to escort her toward Villie's spacecraft, they are abruptly attacked by a faction of Ootoola purists. Villie betrays them, handing over the princess and informing Naradan that the purists offered a larger sum of credits than the loyalists. Consequently, Naradan and the princess are apprehended and incarcerated within the purists' prison.

Later that evening, Villie detonates the prison door and liberates them, resulting in a punch to the face from Naradan. Vilmarh clarifies that previously, with the princess at large, everyone was actively searching for her. Now, however, under the assumption that she remains imprisoned, no one will be actively seeking her. Naradan seizes a rifle as a precaution, and they depart. Upon encountering a pair of guards, Villie nonchalantly approaches them, pilfers one of their blasters, and fatally shoots both of them. Villie, Naradan, and the princess swiftly flee the palace and proceed to Vilmarh's ship, the Inferno, where they receive a vocal greeting from NT 600. As they ascend into space, Villie obliterates the palace. Their destination is the planet Dur Sabon, where Foolookoola will reside among the Dur Sabon until she can eventually reclaim her position on Ootoola.

