Ootoola served as the aquatic homeworld for the Ootoolan species, a world primarily covered by oceans. This planet resided within the Morshdine sector, situated in the Outer Rim Territories.
Throughout its long and troubled history, the governing structure of this planet experienced numerous shifts. Initially, the form of government was a theocractic monarchy, where the individual in charge held both religious and political authority.

Nevertheless, this system soon faced opposition from an uprising. A group of reformers, identifying themselves as purists, believed the king to be corrupted, and therefore unfit to rule. In 33 BBY, they successfully deposed and murdered the king and queen, almost wiping out the entire royal bloodline. Subsequently, the purists seized control of Ootoola, establishing the Revolutionary Purist Council as the new governing power.
However, the last surviving member of the royal family was still alive. Princess Foolookoola sought safety on Dur Sabon, eventually returning after Vilmarh Grahrk, a Devaronian smuggler, destroyed the capital building and the revolutionaries within.
Ootoola also fell under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Republic.