Iridonian (species)

The Iridonians, also known by the colloquial term Iridorians, were a race of warriors infamous for their bloodthirsty nature. Feared across the galaxy by most, tales circulated of their relentless attacks on corpses and their tendency to turn on each other in the throes of battle, consumed by their insatiable bloodlust. They were rivals of both the Echani and Mandalorian cultures, and members of this species could be found on worlds such as Manaan during the Jedi Civil War, a period of strife that shook the galaxy between 3959 and 3956 BBY.

During the war, Revan, the Jedi Knight with amnesia and a past as a Sith Lord, encountered a mercenary of the Iridonian race on Manaan. This armored warrior shared accounts of his people's history with Revan before the Jedi continued his search for the maps that would lead him to the Star Forge, the superweapon wielded by the Sith Empire.

Biology and appearance

Iridonians were a sentient, humanoid species characterized by their opposable thumbs and hearts. The Iridonian mercenary encountered on Manaan was clad in full-body armor and stood at roughly the same height as the Human Revan.

Society and culture

A thirst for bloodshed and violence formed the bedrock of Iridonian society. They maintained a long-standing rivalry with the near-Human Echani species and the Mandalorian warrior culture. The Iridonians scorned the Echani code of honor, and they detested the Mandalorians for valuing credits over the thrill of battle. The bloodthirsty nature of Iridonian society was encapsulated in the words of one of their mercenary warriors, who told Revan, the amnesiac Jedi and former Sith Lord, that Iridonians knew no friends. This was apparent to outsiders, with one observer noting that in the absence of an enemy, they would turn against each other for the pure enjoyment of bloodshed. It was believed that they would continue to assault the dead bodies of their opponents.

The Iridonians produced specialized weaponry and armor for their own use, though these designs were largely prohibited throughout galactic history. Such items were highly sought after, commanding a price of 1,000 credits more than a standard non-Iridonian item, or an additional 10% for larger goods.


Iridonians were a rare sight in the more civilized regions of the galaxy, even during the Jedi Civil War, a war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire that began in 3959 BBY. By 3956 BBY, both sides of the conflict sought to enlist Iridonians into their ranks due to their reputation as powerful, albeit eccentric, warriors—a consequence of their savage cultural values. Revan encountered one such Iridonian mercenary on Manaan. This hired gun had been employed by the Sith to gather young members of the Selkath species, native to the aquatic planet, and bring them to the Sith Embassy for training in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Due to the illegal status of Iridonian weapons and armor in much of the galaxy, Iridonians often faced discrimination when dealing with law enforcement and other government agencies. By the time of the Cold War, Iridonian hearts were being traded on the black market by organ harvesters.

Behind the scenes

An "Iridorian" makes an appearance in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game created by BioWare in 2003. This individual, found on Manaan, is completely covered in armor, concealing his true appearance. However, he does provide the player-controlled character Revan with information about his species' history.

Later, in 2008, Wizards of the Coast published the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. This guide included a gear template for "Iridonian Manufacture," describing Iridonians as "a mysterious species known for their savagery and aggressiveness." The gear template granted Iridonian weapons and armor increased resistance to bludgeoning attacks and a bonus to attacks that relied on brute strength. This description aligned with the Manaan Iridorian, but contradicted the existing species known as both Iridonians and Zabraks, who were generally considered to be a more peaceful people. This change, from "Iridorian" to "Iridonian," was confirmed to be intentional by Rodney Thompson, one of the Campaign Guide's authors, who stated that Lucasfilm mandated the change and that "the KOTOR video game that was in error."

Bao-Dur is identified as an Iridonian in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords by G0-T0.

