This Iridonian mercenary existed in the era of the Jedi Civil War, specifically 3959 BBY. As a member of the Iridonian species, he was enlisted by the Sith Empire on the planet of Manaan. His task was to gather young members of the native Selkath species, taking them to the Manaan Sith Embassy. At this location, these youths would be instructed in the ways of the dark side of the Force. This was part of a larger Sith strategy to dominate the planet, which held importance as the sole source of kolto, a potent medicinal substance. The mercenary crossed paths with Revan on Manaan, a Jedi with amnesia who had formerly been a Sith Lord; he described to Revan the long-standing conflict between the Iridonians, Echani, and Mandalorians.
This character was featured in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic where he was referred to as an "Iridorian." Subsequently, the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide altered the spelling to "Iridonian," in accordance with a decision made by Lucasfilm.