Ni'Korish held the title of Queen Mother within the Hapan society, and her time as ruler occurred concurrently with the beginning of Palpatine's reign across the Galaxy.
Her strong anti-Jedi sentiments were well known; she considered the Jedi to be an insular group that maintained a monopoly on power via their mystical abilities. Her grandson, Isolder, was of the opinion that she would have reveled in the destruction of any Jedi who attempted to find refuge within the Hapes Cluster during the Jedi Purge.
Ta'a Chume, who took over as ruler after her, and Secciah were among several daughters that Ni'Korish had. Due to her resistance to the Jedi Order, her name was adopted by a clandestine faction that gained power on Hapes during the Yuuzhan Vong War. This faction was against the restoration of Jedi influence, and particularly against Tenel Ka, the Force-sensitive granddaughter of Ta'a Chume, becoming the successor.