
Babo was a male Bothan Admiral, belonging to the Bothan Navy, during the era of Legends. His gender was male, his species was Bothan, and his rank was Admiral, all within the Legends continuity.


Second Galactic Civil War

As the year 40 ABY arrived, a conflict ignited between Corellia and the Galactic Alliance, drawing the Bothans into the fray. Jacen Solo, who by this time was the leader of the Galactic Alliance Guard, began the process of capturing, interning, and even executing Bothans on Coruscant. This was due to the support that the Bothans had shown for Corellia, as well as the actions of the True Victory Party. When Bothawui officially joined Corellia in the military conflict, Babo became an active admiral within the Confederation military. He commanded a portion of the Bothan fleet during the Battle of Kashyyyk, where they engaged with the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet.

Following the conclusion of the battle, Babo had a meeting with Luke Skywalker, Tenel Ka, Han and Leia Solo, as well as Tojjelnoot. Initially, his goal was to bring the Jedi, Kashyyyk, and the Hapes Consortium into the Confederation's fold. However, he later conceded to considering the Jedi Coalition, which was opposed to Darth Caedus (formerly Jacen Solo), as a neutral party. He then revealed to the group that the Bothans were planning to assassinate Caedus, and he asked Skywalker and the Solos to give their approval to these plans, which they ultimately did. However, hundreds of these Bothan assassins were later apprehended and detained by the Galactic Alliance Guard.

