The Greater Maldrood was a splinter group stemming from the Galactic Empire. This faction was under the command of Admiral Treuten Teradoc, and it held dominion over a segment of the Mid Rim. This breakaway occurred after the battle of Endor in 4 ABY. Later, in 8 ABY, it merged with the union of Admiral Teradoc's sibling, Kosh Teradoc, located in the Deep Core, thus establishing the Federated Teradoc Union.
Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Admiral Treuten Teradoc founded the Greater Maldrood in the Mid Rim. The Greater Maldrood became embroiled in several border conflicts with a rival Imperial Faction led by the Warlord Zsinj. After Zsinj's demise in 8 ABY, Teradoc, who called himself "High Admiral of the Mid Rim," tried to broaden the Greater Maldrood's reach by seizing planets within the Gordian Reach. This action led to a three-way conflict with Imperial Admiral Teren Rogriss and Admiral Gial Ackbar representing the New Republic. Teradoc defeated Rogriss at Feriae Junction, which resulted in multiple warships that previously served under Zsinj joining the Greater Maldrood. However, after experiencing several defeats against the New Republic, a desperate Teradoc sought assistance from his brother Kosh Teradoc. Kosh then integrated his territories in the Deep Core with the Greater Maldrood, leading to the formation of the Federated Teradoc Union.
The alliance between the brothers enabled Teradoc to maintain a smaller Greater Maldrood presence in the Rim. However, the return of Emperor Palpatine in 10 ABY resulted in the brothers' involvement in the failed Operation Shadow Hand, where Teradoc performed particularly poorly. Subsequently, Kosh and Treuten essentially switched roles. Kosh attempted to salvage the remaining Rim holdings, while Treuten fought against Zero Command in the Deep Core, an Imperial warlord state controlled by Lord High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk. In 12 ABY, Admiral Natasi Daala assassinated Teradoc, and his faction was later united with eleven other Warlord territories to create the United Warlord Fleets. The remnants of the Greater Maldrood apparently fell apart after Kosh's death a year later.
The Greater Maldrood's territory included Togoria and [Gala], as well as the shipyard planets of Roche, Abhean, and [Thanos]. It also encompassed the industrial planets of Belderone, Charros IV, and Metalorn; the trade hubs of Centares, Columex, and Bimmisaari; and the agricultural planet of Balamak. Centares functioned as its capital.
The Essential Atlas from 2009 showcased the territories of the Greater Maldrood. This atlas also provided the name of Teradoc's Imperial faction, which had remained unknown until that point.
It is worth noting that while the Essential Atlas indicates that the Mid-Rim Greater Maldrood dissolved after 8 ABY, with Teradoc relocating to the Deep Core, it does not appear on maps depicting either Thrawn's campaigns or the Resurrected Emperor's attacks. However, the 2014 article "The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire" part 1 seems to significantly alter the faction's history. It suggests that Kosh Teradoc rescued his brother from the post-Zsinj campaigns and that the territory's dissolution did not occur until after Operation Shadow Hand, where Kosh is explicitly described as attempting to salvage their Mid-Rim holdings while Treuten replaces him in the Deep Core. The article further mentions that Kosh maintained a reduced Greater Maldrood, implying that, as Pellaeon had withdrawn Imperial forces from the Deep Core by 13 ABY, Kosh still possessed territory in the Mid to Outer Rim at the time of his death.