The United Warlord Fleets, alternatively known as the Deep Core Empire, represented the consolidated military power of thirteen warlords operating within the Deep Core region around 12 ABY. This alliance came into being when Admiral Natasi Daala carried out the execution of the assembled warlords, previously aligned with the Galactic Empire, at Tsoss Beacon. Following this, she assumed leadership over their remaining military assets. Employing the Knight Hammer, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, as her command ship, Daala initiated a campaign of guerrilla warfare against the New Republic, utilizing a diverse array of capital ships, vehicles, and starfighters. A significant portion of Daala's fleet was decimated during the pivotal Assault on Yavin 4, an operation intended to eliminate Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. This defeat prompted Daala's departure from Imperial service. Subsequently, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon assumed command of the United Warlord Fleets, orchestrating a regrouping with scattered Imperial forces in the Mid Rim to reconstitute the Imperial Military under the banner of the Imperial Remnant.
The Galactic Empire suffered a major setback in 4 ABY with its defeat at the Battle of Endor. This loss included not only the second Death Star and the Star Dreadnought Executor, but also the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, along with a large portion of the Imperial leadership.
The control of the Imperial Military became fragmented, falling into the hands of various Moffs, Admirals, and Generals who each declared themselves to be warlords. However, Director Ysanne Isard maintained unwavering loyalty to Palpatine's Empire. Isard spearheaded the Empire's efforts until the New Republic successfully liberated Coruscant.
Following the fall of Coruscant, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions. The remaining members of the Imperial Ruling Council, operating from Orinda, appointed him as Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces. Thrawn played a crucial role in establishing a unified military, and for a time, it appeared that the Empire might triumph over the New Republic. However, Thrawn met his end at the Battle of Bilbringi, assassinated by his Noghri bodyguard Rukh.

Despite expectations of a period of peace after Thrawn's demise, his campaign had demonstrated to Imperial officers that the New Republic was not invincible. Imperial forces launched attacks against the New Republic, dividing their forces and achieving territorial gains. It was subsequently discovered that these operations were being orchestrated by the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, operating from Byss. Palpatine deployed devastating new weapons, including World Devastators, Eclipse-class dreadnoughts, Sovereign-class Star Destroyers, and the Galaxy Gun. Palpatine's final defeat occurred above Onderon, where the Eclipse II was directed to collide with the Galaxy Gun positioned above Byss. This act destroyed Byss and brought an end to the Dark Empire.
In 11 ABY, Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca were dispatched to Kessel to engage in negotiations. However, they were shot down by the defense force stationed there. It was later revealed that Kessel had been overrun by slaves, pirates, and smugglers who were serving Moruth Doole, the Administrator of the planet's spice mines. Solo and Chewie managed to escape, aided by the young Kyp Durron. Their escape led them into the Maw, unknowingly leading them to a highly classified Imperial research facility. Solo was captured by Admiral Natasi Daala, the commander of the forces and the base. Daala, a protégé of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, upon learning of his death at Yavin 4, resolved to avenge Tarkin and the fallen Empire. Her campaign proved to be short-lived, with Kyp Durron stealing the Sun Crusher, and Daala subsequently suffering increasing losses to her fleet. Ultimately, she lost her secret installation to the New Republic.

Following the significant loss of the Maw Installation, Daala traveled across the galaxy, evaluating various splinter factions. During her travels, she encountered Admiral Blitzer Harrsk, a prominent warlord. Unbeknownst to both, Admiral Treuten Teradoc, a rival warlord, launched an attack on Harrsk's fortress utilizing Crimson Command, commanded by Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, with a fleet consisting of 73 Victory-class Star Destroyers. Harrsk, enraged by the attack and the destruction of his flagship Shockwave, responded by attacking Teradoc's stronghold. He compelled Daala to assume command of the Firestorm, threatening her with execution for treason if she refused. Daala reluctantly complied. Upon arriving at Teradoc's fortress, which was located within an asteroid field, they briefly encountered space mines deployed by Teradoc before resuming their attack. Teradoc observed the battle from his command bunker, and the engagement concluded when Daala disabled the Whirlwind, Harrsk's ship. She threatened to destroy the Firestorm if they disobeyed her. The fighting ceased, and Daala summoned thirteen of the most influential warlords to Tsoss Beacon, an Imperial listening post. They convened to discuss the future of the Empire, and Daala intended to unify the disparate factions. However, the Imperial warlords engaged in hours of infighting, fueled by their long-standing rivalries. Daala, having grown weary of their squabbling and realizing that they would never reach an agreement, implemented her secondary plan by releasing a nerve gas into the room. She and Pellaeon, wearing gas masks, watched as the warlords perished. Daala then assumed command of their remaining forces, preparing for a final confrontation with the New Republic. The deaths of these thirteen Imperial warlords marked the end of the Imperial Civil War.
Daala's initial target was Kampe, which served as Admiral Sander Delvardus's base of operations. Daala presented Delvardus's corpse to his second-in-command, Colonel Ivan Cronus. Daala offered Cronus a choice: join her or face death. Cronus chose to join Daala's new faction and presented her with the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Night Hammer, which Delvardus had intended to use. Daala adopted the Night Hammer as her personal flagship, renaming it the Knight Hammer. Daala assigned a significant portion of Crimson Command to Cronus, who subsequently launched an attack on Khomm. He later attacked Chardaan Shipyards and Porus Vida, securing notable victories.
Despite these successes, Daala and Pellaeon concurred that it was time to eliminate Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. Consequently, Pellaeon led seventeen Imperial-class Star Destroyers to Yavin 4. Upon arriving in orbit, Pellaeon deployed a large ground force to attack the Jedi. The Jedi, initially overwhelmed, retreated to their temple, where they collectively used their Force abilities to destroy Pellaeon's fleet in orbit. As Pellaeon's forces were being dealt with, Daala arrived with her fleet, accompanied by Cronus's forces. However, New Republic reinforcements, under the command of Admiral Ackbar, entered the system and engaged Daala. Daala was caught off guard when Callista Ming commandeered a TIE bomber and crashed it into the Knight Hammer, effectively destroying it.
Following the destruction of the Knight Hammer and the loss of a significant portion of her military force, Daala relinquished command of the fleet to Pellaeon, who then became the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet. Pellaeon subsequently regrouped with surviving Imperial forces scattered throughout the galaxy.

Although it lacked a conventional planetary capital like the Galactic Empire, the primary operational center of the fleet was situated within the Deep Core. The Deep Core region was heavily fortified with shipyards, factories, and various military installations under Daala's control.
The Super Star Destroyer Knight Hammer, Daala's flagship, functioned as a mobile command center for the faction. From this vessel, Daala was able to direct her military forces across the galaxy.
The United Fleet possessed considerable firepower, primarily consisting of Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Victory II-class Star Destroyers, and a single modified Executor-class Star Dreadnought.
Proximity Mines were deployed by Colonel Ivan Cronus during the attack on Chardaan Shipyards.

The fleet's primary starfighters included TIE/LN starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, TIE/IN interceptors, and GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats. The 181st Imperial Fighter Wing also served within the fleet.
Stormtroopers comprised the main assault force and provided security for the fleet. A detachment of Imperial Royal Guards was also assigned to Daala's service.
The fleet's ground forces consisted of All Terrain Scout Transports, HAVw A5 Juggernauts, and HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses. Sentinel-class Landing Craft served as the primary transport vessels.
The Second Imperium, another splinter faction under Daala's leadership, also contributed to the military strength of the United Warlord Fleets.
The concept of the United Warlord Fleets was initially introduced by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart in the 2012 guidebook The Essential Guide to Warfare. In the book's endnotes, Urquhart confirmed that this command was intended to represent the faction seized by Admiral Daala in Darksaber, a 1995 novel authored by Kevin J. Anderson.