Ivan Cronus held a position as an officer within the Galactic Empire's military forces. Approximately eight years following the Battle of Endor, he rose to become the second-in-command under the rogue warlord Delvardus.
Serving under the self-proclaimed Superior General Sander Delvardus, Colonel Cronus operated within the Deep Core region as the ruler of the Eriadu Authority. This occurred after the assassination of Emperor Xandel Carivus and the subsequent collapse of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. In 12 ABY, Admiral Natasi Daala and Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon convened a meeting at Tsoss Beacon with Delvardus and the other twelve Deep Core warlords. The purpose was to resolve their conflicts and coordinate a unified military effort against the New Republic. However, the assembly devolved into violence, compelling Daala to eliminate the warlords. Awaiting further instructions on Kampe, Cronus witnessed Admiral Daala's arrival at the warlord's base, presenting Delvardus's corpse as a grim trophy. Unlike some of his fellow troops, Cronus did not display overt revulsion. The look he gave to his former commander's lifeless body seemed to suggest a quiet contempt rather than disgust. Demonstrating his dedication to his duties under Delvardus, Cronus quickly pledged his allegiance to Daala's United Warlord Fleets. As a sign of his loyalty to his new commander, Cronus revealed Delvardus's secret weapon to Daala: a black-hulled Super Star Destroyer known as the Night Hammer. Daala would rename the ship the Knight Hammer and employ it as her flagship in her campaign against the New Republic and the New Jedi Order.
Cronus, in turn, received command of 112 Victory-class Star Destroyers, largely drawn from Treuten Teradoc's Crimson Command. He directed this force from the bridge of the 13X. Throughout the New Republic, Cronus led his formidable armada in swift hit-and-run attacks. These guerrilla actions against Republic targets served as diversions, intended to draw the New Republic Defense Fleet away from Daala's primary objective: Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. Cronus's assaults inflicted significant damage on several New Republic member worlds, including Khomm and Porus Vida. During his rapid campaign, Cronus led the Crimson Command in the Battle of the Chardaan Shipyards, where they destroyed the shipyards, an ore freighter, and numerous starfighters. However, the battle also resulted in the loss of two Victory-class Star Destroyers under his command.
Soon after, Cronus divided his fleet, dispatching a group of twenty Victory-class Star Destroyers to participate in the Battle of Yavin 4. The remaining ships were tasked with continuing raids against the New Republic. Cronus himself led the Crimson Command to reinforce Daala over Yavin 4. He engaged a New Republic fleet under the command of Admiral Gial Ackbar, losing two more vessels in the process. Despite the losses, Cronus was determined to press the attack, but a battle-damaged Corellian Gunship collided with the bridge of the 13X, obliterating the ship and killing Cronus.
Cronus was a robust and powerfully built man, characterized by a wide chest and muscular arms. His complexion was dark and weathered, and he had dark, slightly graying, curly hair and sharp brown eyes. His speech was concise, professional, and articulate. Based on his appearance and his rank as colonel, it is possible he had served in the Imperial Army or the Stormtrooper Corps. However, he also demonstrated competence as a pilot of small spacecraft, as well as an effective commander of capital ships and entire fleets.